Our Animal Agriculture Addiction is killing us and the environment!

in #vegan5 years ago (edited)

Meat eating and even animal agriculture has long been a part of our human history, and it made sense for our ancestors trying to survive before modern luxuries, especially in harsh climates. Chickens were first domesticated in Southeast Asia about 10,000 years ago and cattle were first domesticated in Mesopotamia a few thousand years ago, and the practice was brought to the Americas by the conquistadores.

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However, a rising population with such a desire for meat is making animal agriculture unsustainable. Today, humans make up 36% of the world's mammals, but we enslave 60% of them (and 70% of all birds on earth) for our own consumption and use. This unsustainable practice is luckily no longer necessary with society and modern technology.


Land usage

About 75% of the world's farmland is used for animal agriculture. The area of US, China, Europe and Australia combined could be enough farmland to feed the entire world with only plants, no animal products. Meat and dairy use 83% of farmland but yield only 18% of calories from food and 37% protein; the rest of the world's calories comes from plants.


Greenhouse Gases: Methane not CO2 is the dangerous emission

Animal agriculture, especially beef and dairy have the highest GHG and water footprint; the only thing comparable is produce imported by plane. Even "environmentally-friendly" meat has a bigger footprint than most vegetables or grains. Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs): CO2, methane and nitrous oxide are estimated to increase 80% by 2050. Most of these GHGs come from animal agriculture, especially methane, the most destructive. Although transportation results in more CO2 emissions, they are not as prevalent or harmful as methane. Industry is responsible for 13% of GHGs but animal agriculture is 18%.

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Water Footprint

80-90% of water use in the US goes toward animal agriculture (feeding animals and preparing meat). A Canadian beef cattle consumes 15-67 L/day of water. A milking cow typically consumes over 100 L/day of water, which produces about 32L of milk. Livestock production, especially beef and dairy, has a huge water footprint, much more than soy.

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Soy vs. beef and dairy

Soy has a much smaller water and GHG footprint and takes up much less space per nutritional yield than beef and dairy. Organic soy contains phytoestrogens (act as estrogen receptor modulators to balance not raise estrogen levels) which prevent cancer and phytosterols which lower cholesterol.

Beef and dairy on the other hand are known causes of heart disease and cancer, especially estrogen sensitive types like prostate, gynecological and breast cancer. Most mylk, cheeze and fake meat products are just made of plants you should already be eating: nuts, seeds, legumes, grains, etc.

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I hear that even @onepagex is going vegan nowadays! ;)

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Amazing report, thank you!

So many people don't even try to go vegan because of this all-or-none thinking flaw. They think that unless they become 100% vegan overnight that they're hypocrites. People have this bad logic for a lot of things in life, and it leaves people unfulfilled, afraid to try new things, and resentful of others. Everything (good OR bad) begins with a step, so never underestimate a step in either direction! :) <3

Great analysis of the facts!

That study showed the animal population of Earth has fallen in half over the past 50 years! Disturbing.

I was shocked to read that for every bird we see out there in nature, there are 2 chickens living in a factory farm! WHAT?! The world is covered in birds. Flocks in the hundreds of millions of many different species are tracked regularly, and there are many too far out into nature for us to know about. It's hard to imagine there are anywhere near as many caged chickens as there are other birds! Billions of chickadees, robins, seagulls, crows, finches, and thousands of other types.... still don't add up to half the chicken population? Totally messed up.

Upvoted and resteemed!

Yes, it's crazy! There's so many shocking facts and statistics.

What we do to these animals we are actually doing to ourselves. I can't how many animals are livestock compared to wild and free.

Meat eating does have a certain karma built into it (disease and unsustainability), but hopefully we learn our lesson before we enslave all the animals while we ourselves are enslaved. What a nightmare humans can make the world.

You are right, that is why raising our collective consciousness is so important. Thanks for the great article :)

A well-written and informative post. You make compelling arguments for not consuming animal products.

Thank you @rlewing! :)

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