The Vegan Month!: Day 25, The Cravings...

in #vegan7 years ago

Anyone would think I was pregnant! Basically, the cravings for meat are becoming unbearable. I'd like to think that this the last bit of fight my body is putting up before I end up skipping off into the sunset with my bachelors degree in veganism, but who am I kidding... I know exactly what's going on; My stomach senses that the end of the month is on the horizon, and it's screaming out for cheese, chicken, milk, pizzas, fast food... You name it, my stomach wants it, and it wants it now.

On no less than FOUR separate occasions yesterday I said to myself out loud, "Fuck it! I'm getting a cheeseburger!" But I know how guilty I'll feel if I do't see this out until the end of the month, so pass me the lentil burgers...

Today I weaved in and out of the traffic to get to Bee Vegan. Bee Vegan is normally an excellent restaurant, but today they either had an off day or a new chef because the massaman curry was very watery. Oh well, you win some you lose some. I'll be back...

At around 6:30 I was starting to feel really light headed, as in I knew I had to take it easy or I could have fainted. I took it easy until I finished work, then headed straight to Rimping (The supermarket) to stock up on odds and sods. There's a national mourning day tomorrow so all of the shops and restaurants will be closed. Point being, I got some crisps, dark chocolate biscuits and vegetarian instant noodles.

SIX DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!


Cost So Far

I want to keep tally (for me as well as you) about what I've bought over the month and how much it cost. To give you an idea I round up 50 baht to the Pound. If you are dealing with Dollars it is around 35, but round it down to 30 to make it easier to tally up...


Day 24:

Massaman curry and brown rice - 65 Baht
2 x Packets of crisps - 38 Baht
2 x McVities food orgasms - 118 Baht
2 x Packs of instant noodles - 12 Baht
Stir fried vegetables and rice - 30 Baht

Today's Total: 263 Baht

Overall Total: 4155 Baht

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Avocado Lewis, at least one per day, maybe one per meal! Your "cravings" are either parasites, or low fat.... Avocado is the Answer. Avocado+Bananas is pretty epic "dessert", even add chocolate power!

Probably a bit of both because I've lost a lot of weight this month. Good to know about the avocados though! I've got the whole weekend off so I'll be spending some of that time on an expedition to get some avocados in my belly :-)


Get more carbs in and your body will be less likely to crave calorie dense foods like meat and dairy. On top of that, you could always watch something like 'Earthlings' to get your ethical motivation in check. Hang in there, before long you'll never think about meat again.

Sadly this is it for me; on the 1st I'll be back to eating what I used to eat. I may cut down on my meat intake (which to be fair was my original goal) but I won't be doing it for anywhere near this long.

that look very delicious man, I don't really like vegetables so much, but this belly is getting bigger. LOL

I love my veggies. One of my favourite meals before going vegan was stir fried mixed vegetables and rice, but sadly it is also made with pork so I can't have it.

There are some really good dishes I've found during this month which I'm really thankful for. It's like a mix of the Italian culture where you live to eat as opposed to eat to live, and the Thai culture where you get to try lots of new foods you would never have tried otherwise...

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