in #vegan5 years ago (edited)

Hello my Dearest Foodies,

Happy Friday!!! Weekend is almost here and I have just the perfect recipe, if you are planning a dinner with your friends and family. You already know that veganizing traditional dishes is my specialty and Italian cuisine is on top of the list! And who doesn't like Italian?!

Besides, I am using another super healthy Ancient grain right next to Spelt, which is Kamut. Although I had Kamut pasta before, this was a first time I use Kamut flour to make pasta from scratch. It really turned out perfect and it was easy to work with.

To find out more about KAMUT please read HERE.


Kamut Ravioli with Almond Ricotta & Spinach in Marinara
Vegan – Cholesterol Free
Author: Lena’s Vegan Living

• Whole grain Kamut 2 cups
• Aquafaba 1cup (liquid from canned chickpeas)
• Water ¼ cup
• Himalayan pink salt 1tsp
• Ravioli cutter (or cutter of your choice)
• Mini ice cream scoop (or tablespoon)
• Almond Ricotta

• Mix all ingredients in a bowl; you may add more water if needed, by adding 1tbs at the time, until you get the perfectly smooth texture.
• Kneel the dough on floured surface for couple of minutes and shape a ball.
• Wrap the ball in a plastic a place in a refrigerator for 30min.
• When ready, roll the dough on a well floured surface.
• By using a cutter, cut out a circle and fill with Almond Ricotta by using mini ice cream scoop.
• Apply little bit of water with your finger or brush around the edges, close the cutter and press down.
• Place each piece on floured surface.
• When ready, bring water to boil and carefully dip in each tortellini by using pasta spoon.
• Cook for 5 minutes and remove carefully again with pasta spoon.
• Serve Marinara or sauce of your choice.
• Top with vegan Parmesan and fresh herbs.

NOTE: To find out more about Ravioli dough press please click HERE. You can also get the smaller size if you wish to make them smaller. There are all different types on AMAZON FOR EXAMPLE THIS ONE, which I also have, but I decided to use the bigger one, since it was my first time making ravioli. However, it is really easy.


• Blanch almonds 1 1/2 cup (soaked for 6 hours and rinsed)
• Nutritional yeast 1 tbs
• Apple cider vinegar 1tbs
• Garlic powder to taste
• Himalayan pink salt to taste
• Water 1 cup
• Baby spinach 1 ½ cup

• Mince the spinach in a food processor by pressing the pulse button and transfer into a bowl.
• Blend all the remaining ingredients in a food processor until smooth.
• Transfer into a bowl with spinach and mix thoroughly.
• Adjust the taste, cover with lid or plastic warp and store into a refrigerator.


• Tomatoes on vine 3 (medium size)
• Sundried tomatoes 1 1/2 cups (oil free, soaked for 15min in two cups of water. Do not rinse)
• Garlic 6 cloves cut in halves
• Garlic powder to 1tsp
• Dry basil 1tbs
• Himalayan pink salt to taste
• Cayenne pepper to taste
• Grape seed oil ¼ cup

• Clean and dice the onion, garlic and tomatoes (you may peal the skin first if you wish).
• On a heated oil, sauté the onion for few seconds, add the garlic and stir until translucent.
• Add tomatoes with seasoning and stir thoroughly.
• Reduce the heat and cover with lid for 5 minutes.
• When ready, blend with sundried tomatoes in a food processor until smooth.
• Transfer to a pot and adjust the flavor.
• Heat it up before serving.


• Raw cashews ¼ cup
• Raw almonds ¼ cup
• Nutritional yeast ¼ cup
• Garlic powder to taste
• Himalayan pink salt to taste
In a food processor, chop the nuts by pressing pulse button. Transfer to a bowl, add rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly.






Fantastic pasta treat for real foodies - yumyumyum

That looks amazing! Happy Friday to you too Lena!

Thank you so much, I am glad you like it 😊

Hi Lena! I'm passing through here and find this beautiful dish! Happy to see you're still sharing and inspiring with your incredible food! Lots of love! Cece

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh my goodness, Cece!!! What I surprise! I read your posts, but I did not expect you to stop by. I am so happy you came to say hi. We all miss you, but I understand you must be very busy. The main thing is that you are doing great! I am just trying to work towards the same dream; travel! By the way, I am going to Slovakia in April to visit my sister. I am staying for 3 months and we are taking trip to Prague in May. You have always been my inspiration and I wish you all the best in 2020! Lots of hugs and blessings Sweetie 🌴💖🌴

This is just a superb recipe and causing me to go crazy with hunger.
As usual the photos are amazing!

Thank you so much Carolyn, you are very sweet! I wish I could send you some, lol. 😍

Oh my heavens that looks absolutely divine!!

Thank you so much Jaynie, I am glad you like it 😊

My pleasure :)

This meal looks yummy! I didn't know what aquafaba was and now I feel stupid for always throwing it away... I found some great recipes for desserts with aquafaba on google, so I'm definitely going to try that out some time soon:D Thank you for making me a wiser woman, haha.

I am happy to be of help! And don't worry I am still learning myself; one recipe at the time. Thank God for Google right? LOL! Thank you so much for visiting and good luck with your recipe creations 💚🌿💚

Thanks for sharing this.
I've always enjoyed ravioli but never actually knew how to do it right.

I had no idea neither, but it turned out to be quite easy. Thank you so much Ireen, I am glad you like it 💚🌿💚

Kamut??? What in the world? I was just getting used to Spelt. Never heard of kamut. Is it as healthy as spelt? I reckon I need to get some then. This post is a thing of beauty, oh my gosh that looks delicious.

All it needs is some red wine with it!

Oh yes! They are both healthy. The link is attached Janton, so you can read about it. Thank you so much for visiting, I am happy you like it. It definitely goes with wine, although I do not for me, lol.

Howdy Miss Lena! I hope your day is going well although it's probably bitter cold and snowing up there. lol. What was that about the wine? You don't drink wine?

Howdy Janton! Yes, it's cold here and I don;t drink wine. I told you many times. I thing you getting dementia. You forget everything I tell you, lol.

lol..no my mind is very sharp but I can't remember every detail for every person but I do pretty well. I think it's been awhile since we talked about wine. How many people do you talk to? I talk to hundreds.

I do too! And I remember everything you told me about you. lol.

Really! hundreds of people a day. Not on steemit because I was the number one commenter on steemit in 2019, as many as 200 a day. I don't recall you being in second place.

Don't forget I talk to people on other social media. I am on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, although, I try not to don't talk on Twitter. I don't have time!

Looks so tasty food.

Thank you so much 😊

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