Easy, Ready To Go When You Are Super-food Protein Bars! (Vegan, Gluten-Free!)

in #vegan7 years ago

Protein!? Where do you get yours? Would you like it in to-go, easy to carry with you, always delicious, dessert form? I’ve made these superfood protein packed bars that might as well be dessert! I ate them for dessert… well, to be honest, I ate them all day for everything and conveniently didn’t have to make any other meals the day these came about!

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You know that shaker you take with you to the gym/work/yoga/grocery shopping? Ditch it. I’ve got something better!

They’re portable, ready to go when you are and so good, you’ll only want more!

I don’t know about you guys, but in general, I don’t really ever like drinking protein shakes. I mean, I can get it going on, adding coconut milk, bananas, basically trying to cover up the taste of the powder… that chalky blah that gets stuck all in my throat.

Gotta get that protein because that’s all the rage at the gym… but it seems a bit strange to me. Why does it make my tummy feel like there’s someone in their snorkeling in it?

As a vegan, many years ago I realized that what I had been drinking was made with Whey! You know, all those super make-you-lean-and-strong tubs of powder at the health food and wellness stores, lining gym shelves everywhere…

Well, whey is made from dairy products my friends and I kind of have a hunch that’s where ‘protein farts’ come from. NO WHEY JOSE! (Get it, no way, Jose!) Haha ;) Vegan jokes.

I saw one of the fittest men I have ever seen in my life at a stall at the market in Oakland claiming that he gained all of his strength from a plant based diet. I didn’t understand it (at the time) but I could see with my eyeballs that it was working for him!

I switched to plant based proteins for my workouts and general energy boosts while I was living in California and had a range of amazing options to choose from and guess what? My whole world changed! No more upset stomach, no gas, no bloating. I was amazed! That guy was a genius!

If I still lived in the USA, I would live off my choice brand Garden of Life which does an incredible, organic, plant based protein powder that I genuinely miss in my life. However, living in Bali comes with its trade-offs and so that’s what brought us to making these bars.

I am a snacker (surprise, surprise) actually… I just kind of love eating so if I can make what I need into what I want to eat, I am one happy gal.

I decided to make some protein bars to take to yoga, the gym, a walk, the airplane, you name it. I always have to have something in my purse to grab when I get hungry especially because popular readily available options in stores are often filled with what I consider “not food” ie poison.

No big deal though, we’ll just make our own stuff and it’ll be so delicious, we’ll never even miss anything else ever again! Are you ready?

What you need:

All About that Base
You’re going to want roughly the same amount of each of the following (up to how much you want to make at a time) I used these nuts because they are what I had, if you have something else, mix it up!

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I soak all of my nuts overnight at least, then rinse before using to improve digestibility and get the most out of them!

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I used ½ cup of each:

  • soaked almonds (protein, vitamin e, copper, magnesium, antioxidants)
  • soaked walnuts (protein, omega 3, biotin, antioxidants)
  • dates (protein, source of healthy energy, fiber, calcium, iron, A B and C vitamins)
  • goji berries (protein, antioxidant, fiber, vitamins A B and C, potassium, calcium, iron, essential amino acids, beta-carotene)
  • hemp seeds (protein, omega 3, 9 essential amino acids)
  • ¼ cup coconut oil (healthy fat, natural antibiotic)
  • sprinkle of Himalayan sea salt (detoxifier, minerals)


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  • ½ cup raw cacao powder (antioxidant, iron, magnesium, calcium)
  • 1 tbs maca root (natural energy/antioxidant, vitamin C, copper, iron, balances hormones)
  • 1 tbs spirulina powder (*vitamins A, K, B12, iron, manganese and chromium)
  • ¼ cup organic peanut butter (or nut butter of choice) (protein/healthy fats)
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ¼ cup maple syrup (or sweetener of choice) (antioxidants, manganese, zinc, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium)
  • sprinkle pink Himalayan sea salt

What to do:


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  • Blend all of the base ingredients together in a food processor. The dates will create the gel that will hold everything together. If your dates are not sticky enough and your mixture isn’t molding like you see in the picture, add more dates as needed! I use very soft, smushy dates that are delicious and blend super easy! Make sure you take the pit out if your brand are not pitted!

  • Coat a baking pan with a layer of coconut oil.

  • Press the mixture into the coated pan (not too firm but enough for it to take shape)
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  • Put this part in the freezer to set

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  • Stir all ingredients together and continue to add coconut oil as needed to get desired consistency. I keep mine more liquidy than your store bought icing but it’s up to you, it’s going to freeze so if you like it thick, go for it. More cacao will thicken, more coconut oil will thin.
  • Once you have this part made, take out your base and spread it evenly on top.
  • Place back in freezer and allow to set (about 30 mins to 1 hour)

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Once your treats… I mean protein bars are set, you can take them out, cut them into squares and have att’em right away. I cut mine into squares after the chocolate sets and then I keep them in the freezer to grab and go when I need.

I’ve taken these bad boys on full day excursions, to classes that are 10 hours long, on airplanes, you name it, and they hold up pretty well keeping in mind, I’m based in a tropical country.

If you’re in a hot climate like yours truly, you obviously run the risk of the top getting a bit melty if left out for too long but trust me, although it might be messy, it’s still delicious and A-OK to enjoy (you may just end up like me with chocolate all over your face but it gives you a reason for a loved one to kiss it off!) <3

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Hope you like these ones! I jam-packed them full of feel goods for us to benefit from! The gym will never be the same!

Sending you love through food as always,

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i gotta try this!!!!

Yes you do! Too easy not to! I am in Maldives right now without any capability of making them and wish so badly I had them to snack on! They're delicious with the chocolate on top :) Let me know if you give it a go!

It's so good kayak .. Our bodies do every day need food that contains pritein ..

You are so right and for people like me who do not eat any meat products, treats like this are perfect and delicious :)

These look totally scrumptious 😋

Hey girl! Always munching on treats and chocolate you know me ;)

Delicious recipe 💪😁

Thanks @vegan-vienna, I need people to know we do get our protein ;)

Yum! These look delicious. It's so awesome that you've moved to Bali as well! So jealous of all the tropical fruits you have access to.

You know what? I THOUGHT I would have access to tons of fruits and maybe I do and am just too used to them now, but there actually isn't a huge variety! I have been many other places in the world that grow much more diverse produce but Bali sticks with the main popular stuff like pineapple, papaya, oranges. I am trying to convince the farmers to plant more ;)

Ahh i always thought it would have more mangosteen, soursop and dragonfruit! I would live off them if they had them haha

OK, see, here's what I meant by too used to them- there ARE those fruits but only when in season. Soursop is my favourite fruit but it's timely... and they don't tend to grow as much of it as I would if I were them ;) Same for mangosteen, at least where I am. You can get it sometimes when it's in season but it's SUPER expensive! Dragonfruit depends. It got to the point recently that it was like $2/3 a piece so I stopped buying it but then I missed it and caved in and bought one then the price went back down but anyways long story short, it's seasons and pricing that get me. I planted a bunch of fruit trees though. I love all the tropical stuff that the locals don't seem to appreciate as much ;) <3

Tasty and healthy :)

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