Mango or not to mango?

in #vegan7 years ago


A little treat for today, the mangoes in Thailand are great now! Eating mono-meal fruit meals is super satisfying and I enjoy evey second of it!

What was your last fruit meal? Do you have a favorite?


I just had a red watermelon, my favourite. I love mangos but it's so hard to get good ones in the West. I'm sure that one was amazing!

In Norway we get the pakistani mangoes in spring/summer, The asian stores sell them and they are amazing!

Yeah we get those here too, I always forget to buy them when they're in season. I will try to remember this year! The ones from the supermarkets are pretty good too sometimes, but again, only really at certain times of the year.

What fruits do you mostly eat where you are?
When I'm in Norway it's mostly about the bananas, frozen mango (better quality than the fresh ones) oranges, melons, dates and I also include more salads with lots of avocado and tomatoes!

I mostly eat red watermelon, then oranges and plain banana smoothies, that's the bulk of my diet, and then as much mango and papaya as I can if I can get hold of good ones. What I'm missing here the most is coconuts, they're just too expensive to eat regularly, that is, the young coconuts are. If I could get hold of them cheap I'd eat them much more.

Doesn't sound to bad :) You eat only fruit?

I do eat something small cooked most days for dinner, just because of stress. I haven't managed to control the cravings completely yet.

If I didn't need to go to work I could easily be 100% raw, now I'm about 90% consistently and have been for the whole 3 years.

I eat fruit mono meals all day, but when I do eat something cooked it's generally like a couple of small vegan burgers, or a really simple pasta with homemade tomato sauce, or sweet potato fries and salad, things like that.

It's more like as a snack really, my biggest meals are the banana smoothies, which I have twice a day most days. Then I eat as much high water content fruit as possible around that for maximum hydration.

I think if I could afford enough young coconuts I could almost completely kick the cooked food. It's just the fat I'm craving I think.

I see, if it's fat you're craving are you eating avos?

I love fruits and my contest is up regarding fruits!

yes it's my fevorite

My last fruit was some bananas and dates. I don't know if I have a favorite though, but I like all the tropical fruits when they are ripe—guava, pineapple,mangos, acerola, caju, papaya, etc.

Yes, mango, absolutely! Had one today and it was perfectly ripe. Yum

GOD I love mangos <3

I had a mango fest yesterday too... mango season has started in the garden.

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