Stop Eating Your Friends!

in #vegan6 years ago

The idea that humans must consume animal flesh and excretions as part of a balanced diet is a monstrous myth that is quietly murdering billions of humans, animals and the environment. Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes and the other 15 leading causes of human death have now been repeatedly verified and concluded through scientific meta-studies to be caused by the consumption of animal products. Furthermore, switching to a plant-based diet has proven to reverse almost all of them! The following documentary proves beyond any reasonable doubt that humans are NOT natural omnivores or carnivores, in fact every organ in our bodies is that of a frugivore/herbivore, and our choice to believe otherwise is slowly killing all of our friends, human and animal.

▶️ DTube

And, not surprisingly, many are switching to an all meat diet with similar results.

Further, monoculture BigAg farming kills more animals then the BigAg meat industry.

One nutrition author, that many have ignored, stated that most of our gut problems are because we eat all the foods together as one meal. That it is bad for the digestion to mix all the things. That it was best to eat meat alone. And best to eat bread alone. That mixing the two caused many problems.

Lastly, we know very little about dietary needs of the human body. If we did, 3/4s of what you find in stores today would be banned. Not by law, but by everyone knowing how bad it was. White flour is an abomination. Whole Wheat Flour... is just white flour with some bran and germ added back in.

Since we know so little about dietary needs, we should be continually looking for improvements in health and understanding. Stating anything firmly, as fact, will lead to bad results.

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