
Who ever programmed him that way is an idiot!!! I What is the purpose of that? @ecoinstant I have no control over the comments I get on my posts!!! Anyway, I muted him!!!!

That's proably best,
not feel that stress. Haiku is
Japanese concept.

Based on Wikipedia, Haiku is a type of poetry. I don't see how repeating comments, just becase they are 17 syllabus makes it poetry, lol.

Truthfully, it probably doesn't. A good haiku is more than just a syllable count, it has a spirit of simplicity and beauty, and usually a 'turn' in the last line.

Personally, even though they are not 'good' per se, I think haikubot reminds us that there can be beauty in the ordinary.

Talking to you, for example, is haikubot's fault. This silly bot created an opportunity for us to connect. Maybe it is trite, sure, but as my grandpa always said, 'better than a sharp stick in the eye'.

Blessings to you!

I have to admit, you are right about that and your grandpa was a wise man. Blessings to you too 😊

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