Job Update

in #vegan5 years ago (edited)

Job Update


Yes, you read the title correctly, I got a new job! Was running out of crypto, and was worried about not getting food. Luckily McDonald's the one my brother is working at was hiring. So I applied and got the job! I was relieved and just knowing I have some money coming in is good!

So Do I like new job??

Well as of now yes. They have me mainly cleaning so that I can do. However, when they move to cooking stuff, we will see if they will keep me lol ( I'm a horrible cook) The plan is right now to do the job best to my ability. With becoming vegan groceries are more pricey so right now need the money to eat. So I will do the job for now just bring the money in. Will this be a permanent job if they don't fire me? No if I can get some hours in overtime I save any money I don't spend on groceries, and save for the van. I would stay there to get the funds for the van (vans are pricey lol) So for a few years at least or until they fire me whichever comes first lol Or if crypto skyrockets then I just quit lol (Still have faith in crypto)

Do you work in fast food too?

If so, do you like it?

Let me know in the comments!

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Side Note: Pictures were taken with my cell phone. Banners made from @calumam. Click on the following link to get a free to use Steemmonstersbanner!

Yeah, it's really hard to live on crypto right now, so a job becomes necessary.
Are you planning on going gypsy life with the van?

Depends what you mean on gypsy life lol My plan is once I get a van and convert it, plan to live in it full time. The older I get I realize fewer things I need, and really love the idea of van life. Just got to get the funds for the van first lol

Yes, that's pretty much what I mean. When you live in a van or a travel trailer or an RV, you can go wherever you want to and live wherever you like.
I'm planning on buying a van this year also, if I can scrape up enough money. I just need to sell some stuff to hopefully get enough money to do it. I'd like to spend next winter in Arizona instead of up here in the cold.

Very Cool! Hope you post about it! Yeah that's my plan, not sure what van I will get, got to save money up for it first lol An van is more my choice because I can be more 'stealth'

Yes, that's true. With a camper trailer, you're kind of obvious.

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