A new fruit discovery....have you seen these before?... kiwanos!

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

I received a message from my partner with an image of this amazing exotic looking fruit that looked like an alien egg!


What the hell is it, I wondered?

..... Kiwanos

.... Tastes a bit like a kiwi and a banana said the shop keeper.

I was excited to get back from my trip to England for this. For some reason I didn't bother to look up anything about it on my phone, I just wanted to be surprised.

The next morning I rushed to make a picture worthing piece with these beauties and opened them up to find something I didn't quite expect. I thought it would be creamy and solid instead it was runny and seedy, hard to imagine how it would taste like a bañana but in fact it actually did, the texture dramatically different tho and to be honest I thought they resembled more of a cucumber than a kiwi!


They originate from dub saharan Africa and are rich in vitamin k which is good for eye health. They are actually from the cucumber and melon family and can be cut in half to be scooped out with a spoon and eaten.

I'm constantly amazed by all the new fruit there is to discover all the time, and if you can get your hands on these, please try them. They make an excellent treat or drizzled over some soaked oat or with purple maqui ice cream and star fruits like this...


What do you think, do you like the look of them?

Have you heard of them before?

Can you imagine them tasting like banana?

🥑 🍎🥝 🍉 🍇 🍐🍓🍈🍋🍑 🍍🍊🍌🍏

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All images are created by @celestialcow

Thanks for reading


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They do look interesting. I can not imagine them tasting like bananas, I would say that they taste citrusy by looking at them but I love their green color 💚

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