Those damn vegans! Caring about animals and stuff!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vegan7 years ago

It's simply to me something similar to the golden rule. If it's not necessary for survival, then why inflict something on others I wouldn't want done to me?



My girlfriend was talking about veganism this morning. We are thinking of trying a vegan diet for a month as we've read that people feel so much better/healthier & have more motivation/energy.
Moving away from animal products makes sense from a moral standpoint anyway. Even cows milk which most people would say is the most humane form of animal product consumption (along with eggs) involves taking calves away from thier mothers so we can drink the milk.
Anyway, your meme just made me think a bit more about veganism.
Did you notice differences in your health/motivation etc when you stopped consuming animal products?

Hey! Glad to hear you're considering trying veganism, I think it's good to experiment with such! Try for a week at first maybe even, and if that's good just keep going and see how it goes. I have another friend who just went vegetarian and lost a buncha weight and his blood pressure went down, so.. It might help healthwise!

And yeah in regards to milk, the male babies are also killed because they can't produce milk, so it's not just stealing the kids and enslaving the animals their whole life, but.. A lot of male babies are killed too.

And yes. I didn't originally switch for health reasons, it was moral for when I realized I didn't totally need animal products to be health, but.. I feel like almost every aspect of my health has got better. More energy, better skin and hair and digestion, no more heartburn, the farts and burps and everything all smell less bad, lol. More clarity, also a better state of well being knowing that I'm not contributing to abusing animals as much nor putting that stuff in my body. It's hard to explain, but there is almost a spiritual feeling to it, like you're doing something good and positive with each meal choice.

I'm two years in and so far it feels like one of the best choices in my life, though I've heard some vegans have problems after a couple years in, or just people with different diets in general, so.. I'm open minded to potentially eating animal products again some day as part of my diet, I just don't expect it.

Good luck with your efforts! Feel free to ask anymore questions, I know a lot about the subject.

Thanks for the informative reply. One question I wanted to ask is, do you buy organic fruit and veg or non organic?

It seems that pretty much everything that is not grown using organic methods contains trace elements of Glyphosate which we now know is a carcinogen.

Organic fruit and veg is obviously more expensive but I sort of think that if I am trying to make myself healthier I should try to avoid food that has been sprayed with toxins.

Also, do you happen to know of any websites or sources of info that might help me out? Meal plans etc


Turning vegan is easy. I am vegan now over a year and Vegetarian for over 25 years but I never dreamed I could give up milk and eggs as I lived on them.

I drank four large mugs of coffees made of milk (over 1 litre a day) but my personal trainer told me that I would never be really slim as I had a layer of milk fat so that was the final nail in the coffin.

Milk fat is what did it for me. I thought the eggs would be even more difficult but I just changed my breakfast and excluded eggs and added in a homemade sauce, sprouts 4 types homegrown and other bits, it was so easy.

Eating People is wrong, eating animals even worse. Become vegan and help save a few animals from a horrible life and terrible death. At the same time help your own health as meat is actually not good for humans. mEAt iS mUrDeR.

Hahaha... Reading your title, I was about to defend vegans even though I'm not yet a vegan.

"Can you kill animal for food? Offcourse you can, just dont know it , becouse you never was in extreme situation. You may say not but was a time then starving peoples to survive eat other pll... "

Ha ha.. wonderful quote @apolymask..

That pig is trying to be a nose carnivore.

Great post!
I'm 35 years vegetarian though I still ate eggs until about a year ago. I haven't had any illness, not even a cold, in many years, I'm slim, trim and brimful of energy. You do need to inform yourself about your body's needs though, not just give up animal products and replace them with stuff out of tins and packets.

Make no mistake. If a piglet could, he'd eat your nose and the noses of everyone you care about.

Lol. Oh noes! Is that suppose to change my opinion on something? I don't necessarily expect humans to act as civilized as some humans do..?

I am not a vegan but could be easy if I wanted.. I do not eat meat sorry about the pigs they are intelligent animals. I am glad you posted your views this way. I am against animal cruelty ... if anyone posts a photo of an animal being tortured no matter what their view I will mute them...not saying you would... just sayin.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Can I ask why you're not a vegan if you're against animal cruelty? Those things are basically synonymous.. They mean the same thing, they kind mean the same thing? And if you're really against animal cruelty you'd think you'd be vegan also?

Lol I am a natural i dont get my eggs the same place most do..there other ways to make a difference..

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