
Lori sometimes I feel like a zombi mum 😉

I know what you mean!

Like on a saturday, the one day I can sleep in and I am wide a wake at 7 thinking off making lunch boxes for school

lol - that's funny. But yes, we are creatures of habit.

The only English correction I should make for you...
"Off" is the opposite of "on".
You're thinking of the word "of" - as in "of course" ("off course" is what happens when you steer accidentally onto the hard shoulder or when you fail to follow the map - or the wind blows your ship off course.)
Otherwise your English is amazing!

This is such a hard one. I never get it right ! But maybe with these examples I Will ThAnx

Who needs supernatural zombies when we have real ones all around us every day?
^you couldn't be more right

Who needs supernatural zombies when we have real ones all around us every day?

Some live with me too, and I am obligated to feed them... haha
My kids and gadgets... sometimes I think it is a conspiracy theory, like to keep the masses in control. To keep them occupied with the trivial so the powers that be can manipulate things to their advantage...hahaha
Thinking too much I am :)

hahaha! Yes, I understand being obligated to feed the zombies...

I have one zombie in my life. I married her. She comes out after the kids go to bed and the chores are done. Fortunately, she perks up after she gets her AM coffee!

Good to hear. I was just wondering if she would approve of being called a zombie...

She knows.

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