VAULT 7 and how BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY is set to revolutionise Cyber-Security in the future..!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vault77 years ago (edited)


The latest revelations by WikiLeaks in regard to VAULT 7 should be a wake-up call for Global Cyber-Security worldwide.

As covered before, whether you agree, disagree, accept or condemn the actions of WikiLeaks, this is not the issue here.

The issue is that they have penetrated what is supposedly one of the most secure network of computers in the World.

Again, I cannot reiterate enough whether the actions of WikiLeaks are morally right or wrong, but one thing is for sure they have allegedly been able to breach this secure network and gain access to the data.


Some out there will say that morally they should not have shared this data, but that is up for another debate.

The purpose of this quick video is simply to get the message across that the Internet and the way data is managed and stored on the Internet is open to security breaches.

It is this breakdown of security that is the issue and that hacking capabilities are only set to get worse.

By addressing this issue is set to usher in a new generation of the Internet and it is this new Internet that has already been dubbed the 3rd Generation of the Internet.


Digital Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain), Bitcoin’s underlying technology is set to totally revolutionise the way the Internet will operate in the future

This distributed way of sharing, storing, managing and accessing data will raise the bar in Internet Security by distributing stored data across a network of computers with access to this data by a series of Security Keys

These Security Keys will utilise Cryptography to gain access to the data for receiving and managing.

It is this level of security that is not available currently and is how the revelations of VAULT 7 have been obtained.


I took a break this afternoon and decided to go for a lovely walk.

The sun is shining and today is probably one of the brightest it has been this year.

While I was out I decided to make this quick 1:40 minute video to explain how I see the revelations yesterday made by WikiLeaks is set to trigger an accelerated roll-out of Blockchain Technology.

It starts off a little noisy at first, as I was half way up a hill and the wind was blowing straight at me.

It may be a little noisy to begin with but stick with it.

Hopefully this doesn’t stop the message getting through.


Thanks again for reading and enjoy the quick video.



Blockchains will the change the world. :)

The Distributed Ledger Technology is set to usher in a major shift in humanity and will change peoples lives way beyond the imagination of even the smartest out there. Thanks for the comment. Stephen

The issue is that they have penetrated what is supposedly one the most secure network of computers in the World.

No, they didn't. They got the data that CIA shared with it's contractors. Since the people are always the weakest link, one of those contractors leaked the data to Wikileaks. FBI has opened a “mole hunt”:

The FBI has already been investigating transparency organization Wikileaks for years, and the new investigation into Tuesday’s “vault 7” document release is expected to be “another major mole hunt,” a former intelligence official told the Washington Post. “If this is all correct, it’s a big deal.”

How the data was handed to them isn't the point I am trying to get across. The point is about the fact they got it. In the future this data will sit behind a layer of Security Keys. Hopefully this helps. Stephen

I'm a bit surprised that a man of your expertise doesn't see the obvious. You can't have strategic technology kept “behind a layer of Security Keys”. Someone has to use it. So wide scope of privacy invasion demands a large number of people for acquiring and processing data. When you have large number of people, you inevitably get Tom Drake, John Kiriakou, Bradley (Chelsea) Manning, Edward Snowden… When you start to persecute them, you get plenty of new “Edward Snowdens” that are not going to reveal identity. Even if you shut one Wikileaks, ten new will arise. The point is that there is no way to keep such nefarious technology in secret for a long time. No way.

I think what he is the use of the blockchain will be more popular to share sensitive data to those who know where and how to find it without alphabet soup.

And he makes a good point about security. No one is questioning that.
The issue I and @lighteye have is that @stephenkendal makes out that Wikileaks is the one who hacked the CIA and it wasn't. No one hacked anything.The CIA building is air-gapped.

The issue is that they have penetrated what is supposedly one of the most secure network of computers in the World.

This statement is misinformed, slanderous and very dangerous to Wikileaks reputation. I would hope/urge Mr Steven to correct or delete that statement out of respect and common decency.

I've noticed he still hasn't changed his comment. We've both asked him but he refuses to correct it.
Does this seem a little odd to you.

Everyone has a right to his own fallacy. He's a good guy that aims to the future, but still didn't break his connections with MSM fake news. It will pass.

I agree. I've been following his posts since I started on steemit. This is way I am so concerned and felt the need to make some noise.
I hope he does come to his senses soon and changes it.

Wind is such a pain to record in.

It was a little windy but hopefully the message still gets through. Thanks. Stephen

Steven has lied in this post. Wikileaks didn't penetrate anything. They are not hackers. This is very misleading.
I've asked him to change it and he has flatly refused to. I see no reason for him not to change it.

great post! i nominated it for #steemvoter
hope you get chosen for it

AWESOME..!! Thank you. stephen

Sorry but I feel I need to point out that this post includes a very misleading statement that is potentially dangerous if people start repeating or believing it.

The issue is that they have penetrated what is supposedly one of the most secure network of computers in the World.

This is not true.


They are a news publishing company.

FYI I agree with the rest of the post about the revolution of the blockchain thats not the issue.
Thank you.

Thanks Frank. Hope it wasn't to windy to hear. It has been a gorgeous day today in the North of England and I couldn't help but take the afternoon off and go for a nice walk. Thanks as always for your support. Stephen

Copy That!

Glad to see you out of the office for a change. (workaholic) A more beautiful, peaceful, and relaxing scenery is needed for all of us to be mindful and a breath of fresh air. You are most welcome.


Thanks for the 33.3 Steem Frank. Not sure what it is for but you are true gentleman and thank you very much. Stephen

"thirds rule strategy" anyone can google it

Wow, i've never heard of that one. You never stop learning and this is something i have learnt today. Stephen

Steven has lied in this post. Wikileaks didn't penetrate anything. They don't hack.

Hopefully someday someone will get, email, webpages, browsers and video on the blockchain to avoid the googles,amazons and their ilk.

Now they have been castrated in that all techs, are seeking patches for these breaks and have exposed the problems. The banks are also in as much trouble as the governments and corporations as they will no longer have the advantage of knowing all before it transacts.

We can start fresh once the blockchain begins to build common use products more and more.

"Hopefully someday someone will get, email, webpages, browsers and video on the blockchain to avoid the googles,amazons and their ilk."..!! NAILED IT. Someone has done their homework. Could not have put it better myself. Stephen

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