VAULT 7 | World War III - Zero Point Energy - Aliens - The Catholic Church

in #vault77 years ago (edited)

" Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic – and we know it is, for certain – then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of Nature. Many generations may pass, but in time our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the Universe."


In my last post we discovered what Vault 7 is. Vault 7 is a CIA file containing some very powerful secrets. It outlines the shadow governments plan to wipe out a large part of earths civilization by starting a war with Russia.

You will find it's all connected. Here we find out how this will be done and who is involved.


  • 4 - Syria Files
  • 17 - Podesta Emails

Edgar Dean "Ed" Mitchell was a United States Navy officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, ufologist and NASA astronaut.

Email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached) ‖ Wikileaks-Email-ID-1802

Dear John,
Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.

Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth.

They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.

The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.
Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.

NEW GREAT NEWS: Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal proposed cooperation in space technology between Pakistan and China as part of the historic declaration, saying it will take the Pak-China relations to new heights. A consortium of 35 Chinese companies was also formed that will invest in Pakistan: Pakistan and China on Wednesday signed 20 memoranda of understanding (MoU) worth $2 billion...emphasis on sustainability


'Peace-loving aliens tried to save America from nuclear war,' claims moon mission astronaut Edgar Mitchell ‖ The Mirror - 08/11/2015

Out of Space or Out of Mind? ‖ ABC News - 07/28/2008

UFOs and Beyond: Apollo 14 Astronaut Ed Mitchell Is Looking Up ‖ NBCnews - 07/25/2014

Zero Point Energy - The Guardian ‖ 07/17/2003

  • It's as accessible in outer space as it would be in the Outer Hebrides because it exists, according to its advocates, everywhere, immersing everyone and everything in a foaming sea of energy.
  • Some researchers have also suggested an intriguing connection between ZPE, inertia and gravitational pull. The push you feel while slowing down or turning when driving may actually be caused by ZPE fluctuations. A greater understanding of how to manipulate ZPE may one day lead to the control of gravitational and inertial forces, leading to new forms of propulsion and a revolution in space travel.

Hutchison demonstrates Zero Point Energy ‖ YouTube


  • Why is John Podesta talking about Zero Point Energy?

Interview With John Podesta About UFO Disclosure-KLAS TV News ‖ YouTube - 03/01/2016

Clinton campaign chair: 'The American people can handle the truth' on UFOs ‖ CNN Politics - 04/08/2016

John Podesta: I’ve Convinced Hillary Clinton To Declassify UFO Files ‖ Huffington Post - 03/28/2016

Obama aide John Podesta says ‘biggest failure’ was not securing the disclosure of UFO files ‖ Washington Post - 03/13/2015



It sounds like science fiction, but the potential for real-life star wars is real enough. It's just not new. Fears of battles in space go back to the Cold War and several initiatives, like President Reagan's "Star Wars" missile-defense system. Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work spoke to Congress in June about the threat. He said during a speech the technology the U.S. developed during the Cold War allows it "to project more power, more precisely, more swiftly, at less cost." Take a moment to think about everything satellites do. GPS, surveillance and communications all depend on them. And the Scientific American notes you can disable satellites without missiles. Simply spray-painting lenses or breaking antennas is enough. President Obama requested $5 billion for space defense in the 2016 fiscal budget. And a former Air Force officer told the Scientific American most of the United States' capabilities in space have been declassified to send a clear message: There are no rules for war in space.
Best regards,

Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD
Apollo 14 astronaut, 6th man to walk on the Moon.
Zero Point Energy Consultant.

War in space isn't considered fantasy anymore - AOL - 08/12/2015

Anti- Satellite Missiles and International Tensions See US, China and Russia Preparing for War in Space ‖ Outer Places - 08/12/2015

War in Space May Be Closer Than Ever ‖ Scientific American - 08/10/2015

World War Three in SPACE? Fears over rise in anti-satellite weapons created by Russia ‖ Express - 08/12/2015


Email for John Podesta (c/o Eryn Sepp) from Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell requesting meeting ‖ Wikileaks-Email-ID-12127

Dr. Edgar Mitchell asks that I write to Mr. Podesta and you requesting his meeting in Washington, DC with John to discuss Disclosure and zero point energy. As John is aware, more than 20 countries including the Vatican have released top secret papers discussing extraterrestrial incidents on Earth over many years. The US has NOT participated in Disclosure, yet.

Because of his own background as a Catholic, we feel it is imperative that John be aware of the Vatican’s interest in ETI, Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and in sustainability for our planet.

The Vatican has hosted global seminars on the repercussions of humans interacting with ETI, and how this will affect religion and consciousness.

The Vatican’s Observatory is located here in Arizona, and its top astronomers including Father Jose Funes and Brother Guy Consolmagno, who have met with Pope Francis, have publicly stated that God’s creation could very well include OTHER intelligent life, and that would mean they are our “brothers”.

We work with specific ETI from a contiguous universe. They are nonviolent and in complete obedience to God.

Our ETI’s connection to zero point energy is obvious in that their purpose is to guide Edgar’s international Quantrek science team to apply their zero point energy research for humanity, to move away from the use of fossil fuels which are so deleterious to our fragile planet. Quantrek’s science intuitive, Dr. Suzanne Mendelssohn, also a practicing Catholic, advises the Quantrek team as to the specific Tau neutrino which is the foundation for zero point energy, something CERN scientists have begun to study, as well as scientists all over the planet.

Because of the recent demonstrations addressing the overwhelming issue of climate change, and President Obama’s own concern, we feel the timing is perfect to meet with John to map out a plan involving Disclosure and zero point energy.

After having met with US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto at the UN Mission in Geneva on July 4, Edgar announced to Swiss media that he intends to return to the moon on a space ship fueled by zero point energy at age 100, in 16 years.


Email for John Podesta (c/o Eryn) re Disclosure ‖ Wikileaks-Email-ID-35713

The urgency as I see it is to explain as much as possible to you and to President Obama about what we know for sure about our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe who are peacefully assisting us with bringing zero point energy to our fragile planet.

ETs for Hillary: Why UFO Activists Are Excited About Another Clinton Presidency ‖ Mother Jones


  • It would seem aliens are blackmailing us in not starting World War III and in return they will give us Zero Point Energy.




WikiLeaks + aliens = tinfoil wet dream

I don't know what to think.


I always knew aliens would have our back :) not sure if we can be trusted with zero point energy yet though.

True. We can't even be trusted with nuclear fusion.

Trump's mother is from the Hebrides.

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