Vault7 & The C.I.A. Exposure - The Truth They Won't Tell You.

in #vault77 years ago

I recently heard someone say that "Edward Snowden and/or Julian Assange should be shot or placed in jail with back to back life sentences for putting peoples lives in danger."  They put so many people in danger of knowing the truth about sick things that they deserve the death penalty for it.  He says, "they should get back to back life sentences for exposing America's secrets," because it's so dangerous and places peoples lives in jeopardy.  And, if that's backwards to you because you're reading the Wikileaks and Vault 7 leaks and paying attention, this shouldn't surprise anyone that people are being as ill informed as their media sources portrays.  I was flabbergasted at the fact that he thought they should get back to back life sentences and or brought out back and shot for exposing material that puts us all in way more danger than not allowing the truth to come out.  However, on the contrary "We The People" believe in transparency and this is not transparent, nor is it safe to not understand the dangers that are present by the mainstream hidden plans against mankind and the facts that it poses to our world.  Please allow me to be clear about this.  It placed many more people in danger to do the things that the C.I.A. is willing to do, than it is to leak information to the public about what they are doing.  My only fear is that there is so much more that we don't know, that people should be more consumed with the facts of these leaks than care about what they have to worry about with what they are doing, because this is simply not the point, and you're missing the point in its entirety if you think that these people are criminals.

When you can place a whole country under surveillance, and think that this is the right thing to do - I'm sorry, but exposing these freaks to continue to do what they are doing is way more dangerous to freedom and liberty everywhere, when there are evil and bad people in our government that want to make sure that their freedoms never change while never giving the average American a chance to get out of poverty, and get out of "the life" where we are being tracked and monitored everywhere we go.  If you're not afraid of meta data, and the kind of people that are able to get a hold of your information to use it unjustly, I will just say, that boy they did a great job of keeping you uninformed and simply misinformed.  Honestly, it's the most uneducated answer that I've received yet from a person on the matters yet and I was surprised at just how dumb it was.  Get away with "fake news" and misguiding the "free" public from making any decision on their own on the facts of their ""freedoms,""  but don't take it into account the wrong that they can get away with as they take away citizen rights.  In other words, your constitution is a dangerous writing and protecting life is not what we are allowed, just trained to think that we have protection while never giving us true representation.  We should know that today, we are not a free society, and that people's lives have been placed on hold involving many risks of the America people and some lives have been utterly destroyed.  Your traditions, your families and your lives can be at stake while these people get to cover up their own tracks, and do cover up their tracks on a daily basis.  From 2013 - 2016 the C.I.A.'s involvement in rigging elections is apparent, and people should be aware of those kinds of "secrets," not cover them up.  

Just how do your freedoms and families become so dispersed by these meta data leaks, and why should you fear this if you're not doing anything wrong?

You should have a little concern about these facts and these leaks because they can and most definitely will affect your lives where it matters just for knowing that you are a Christian, or just for them knowing that you have rights to secure.  You see, the SS and Nazi's didn't want a natural people to have rights.  They killed the Jewish people for the cause of collecting on people and war was made into a thing for profit and murder was its weapon.  They made people into slaves and worked people to the bone where people would have swollen feet and callous hands, and if you didn't make them money anymore or you couldn't go on this way, you'd get pulled away and shot, or thrown in the gas chambers where they would burn people thinking that they were going to get a shower.  Like, nice people, huh?  Today, this was is played out a lot differently.  Today, it's played out on making money, paying taxes all while never getting ahead, and once you are determined to not want to work for the system anymore, you are an enemy of the state.  In other words, it's just as though America is itself just a huge concentration camp.  We get education that is 10 years or more behind from where we currently are today, so instead of being able to secure a position and be able to make a good life, more often than not, people are falling behind and stuck into a never ending debt.  

This is why today, Black Lives Matter means more to these people than the slogan All Lives Matter, this is because they are working on a new aged way to kill people and not allow them to thrive.  This is also why I believe they are collecting meta data from people so that once you're awoke to their plans for humanity, you are now censored and treated like a criminal, even though you're a regular person that just wants and deserves a true kind of freedom and not some fake facade of freedom.  

Basically, what happened recently was that someone got a hold of the hacked several hundred lines of code, that is attached to the C.I.A. and the exposure is limitless when it comes to people being able to hack into your computers and other known devices that the C.I.A. collects and mines data from.  Instead of calling them criminals, I'd rather call them partly heroes.  But, this information is being leaked into the hands of criminals as well, and even people that can do real damage to your lives, not to mention the fact that these are only people too that are working with the Central Intelligence Committee's and the information that we are providing through our devices are actually allowing these people to censor us, hurt us, and even incriminate us.  The problem however is that people either don't believe that these things can take place, or they believe that it doesn't matter because they aren't themselves doing anything wrong.

It doesn't matter if you are doing something wrong or not, however, when the facts are that they are making sure that innocent people are turned into victims of the state, and enemies of the state while they are just trying to speak out or they are just trying to educate themselves.  This is not what they want, so people never learn about it, because they don't want people to find out about how deep their plans are, nor how evil that these people have treated your sensitive information.  So, now - nearly anyone can hack your information, and nothing we do is in private.  Not only that, but people that get their hands on this information can use it to manipulate you, create crisis over your lives, and hurt you intentionally.  Not only criminals can do this, but the system in it of itself is allowing this to carry out.  And, people don't always have the best intentions of making sure that you are safe.  Some people want to make sure that you aren't, and these same people are people that work within the government sector jobs, where they are now hiring crisis actors, psychological operators and others to help them in their plan.  But, the plan is weak, and their intents are weak as well.  Though they have plans to take over and make sure that people aren't learning this stuff, the information is out there and people everywhere are talking about it.  It's indirectly even changed the way the population thinks, speaks, and knows not to talk over the phone about certain things.  You hear people say, that they know what to say over the phone, and they also know what to keep in conversations that are private.  But, are the private?  Is there a such thing as privacy anymore?


They are targeting people through surveillance, and through their own devices.  You pay money for devices so that they can collect and mine data from you, so that once you're awake, or going against their plans over human life - they can now even create people as fictional criminals and make sure that people are having to face charges on them that are being created falsely, and dictating your future through many facets as I've talked about in organized harassment blogs before.  Basically, they can manipulate you by your income, by sabotaging things of value causing you to lack savings, and depleting your saving toward the things that they are willing to do - they can also character assassinate you, by telling people and potential employers to look out for you, or that you are some kind of  dangerous person, even though you aren't.  This is to intimidate any employer from wanting to give you jobs, or to allow you to be able to work.  This stops you from getting gainful employment to pay for the tickets and other fines that the government drew falsely out of people.  The reason I say that they are falsely made, is because, through meta data, people can follow you and can push you and take away your right to drive for almost anything, and as long as you are unaware and just thinking that these things are naturally happening to you because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you're missing the point here as well.  The fact is that they can manipulate a crisis, cause your license to be expired or otherwise suspended, and then use the meta data to attack you in the future where you don't know that they are attacking you.  They can basically come at any time, and because they manipulated the data on your license, they know just where to look for you, because your GPS allows them to be able to track you personally, and in this sense - they are creating a crime out of something that you are trying to do right for yourself, and should be allowed to do it.  

We the People know that there are crimes over humanity going on, and for a long time now.  People for the most part, feel and know that there is an unnatural progression in their life where people are less and less free, and even less and less safe.  People continue to go along with it, because it's socially acceptable to want to continue being a law abiding citizen, and/or a law abiding person.  But, when one can't be a law abiding person because of meta data, and the freaks on the other side making damn sure that you can't - something has to be made clear here.  We are not free!  We are not being given natural rights, nor are we being made as a public to be able to protect the very last freedoms that we have; our liberty, by getting justice and being able to obtain and stand on our own citizen rights.  

Either way, the law was created to maintain peoples rights, and to give us freedom that we can't get if we aren't following the laws.  However, what happens to people that are following the laws, and trying to make a difference in their life, their families and communities when people aren't being allowed to share those same laws, and be protected the same way that others are.  It contradicts itself and people are being bled dry from a system that isn't allowing a people to maintain their freedoms, keep their jobs and continue to even pay their tickets and other fines.  

This is also then created, while you aren't allowed to do these things, and other people can get representation, justice isn't done.  Justice isn't near done!  In fact, it's a complete SHAM of what justice should mean to people everywhere.  And, now since you can't pay your fair share to the criminal government, you are now just expected to suffer and not be able to pay.  So, instead of being able to pay, there can be issued a warrant for your arrest where just before you are able to pay these things off, and have some new doors open up for you - the door slams quickly in your face, and that door has bars now, and you have no freedom, and even less chance of being a free people.  Get it!?  It creates criminals out of innocent people, and people are slowly waking up to the truth, even though there are still countless millions of people being jailed everyday, while true criminals get to run free while terminating our truest and most valuable efforts to maintain our freedom, and live our potentials.  So, now you know, that you aren't free - what are you going to do?  Can you still just sit idly by and watch your own loved ones and humanity suffer consequences that are basically formed over these people?  Can you allow a government to basically create criminals by using meta data and corrupt tactics to continue to force people out of being able to get freedom back, justice and liberty.  Remember that liberty can only come when justice is met.  Until then, you have no real liberty, and you have no justice.


Just like Hitler's totalitarian state, the rationale is: "If you're not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't care if you're being surveilled!" I, for one, mind very much!

Iv read the same the other day now the USA wants to fly over To my home country England and arrest Julian hope they haven't got the powers to arrest him

Arrest themselves!? NEVER! But, as long as someone is spreading the word, chances are that you're not only being surveillanced anymore, but with reason to stifle intent.

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