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RE: A Cursory Overview of How Vaporchains Work

in #vaporchain6 years ago

One minor thing I'll be changing is how the amount is converted to string. It will be in decimal format only if necessary for accuracy.





Good thing Vaporchains aren't live yet or that would've caused a fork.


@fulltimegeek I still cannot wrap my head who is computing the block containing this vtx, or any block to be honest. Is it the one starting the vaporchain who is responsible to write the following vapor blocks and are they stored on steem blocks?

Looking forward for the transfer and trade articles.

I still cannot wrap my head who is computing the block containing this vtx

Anyone that scans the blockchain up to that point using the same validator/rules. There are currently 3 types of Vaporchain transactions (VTX) that validators must be able to handle.

  • Bids (validator finds highest bid, if any)
  • Vapor Transfers (validator confirms user has tokens before sending)
  • Vapor Trades (validator confirms trade was successful)

Since all valid transactions must be accepted, and we are all running the same validator, we should all come to the same Consensus every block.

If a Vapor Block has no vtxs, a validator is not even required because all you have to do is hash previous and sids together. As so,

block_id = sha256(“previous sid1,sid2,sid3...”)

Thanks, understood, that is where the vapor name is coming, it's like implicit blocks.

Do you plan to release a validator library? And to run the validator is a full node needed?

Do you plan to release a validator library?

Yes, I plan on releasing software that automates the validation process.

And to run the validator is a full node needed

Not a Steem full node but maybe just a node that knows all the previous VTXs that have occurred on the network for that particular Vaporchain.

To make validation easy for everyone, I'm planning on verifying the first Vaporchain and dumping all the blocks, via Steem posts, so anyone can find them. But, I do hope people will run their own validator in the future. By me dumping all the Vapor blocks on the Steem blockchain, it gives anybody a chance to mine it because they can always find the most recent block_id by going to my page. And since the blocks will be 10 minutes apart, they'll have plenty of time to copy and paste the correct answer to send a bid.

Then more sophisticated and automated method of bidding could be implemented, knowing what other players have bid before. I imagine most bid would appear in the last steem block before the next vapor block, similarly to an eBay auction.

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