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in #van6 years ago

This whole thing is soooooo fake. It is unfortunate for us as a society that we generally, on the whole, have so little discernment to see any of this anymore. The joke is on us.

The fire hydrant that was allegedly knocked over is another glaring telltale visual cue. Where is the water? Where is the damage to the van as a result?

Source: REUTERS/Saul Porto

This is what typically happens when a fire hydrant is run over by a vehicle.

It's very easy to find many such video and photo examples online. It takes time to have someone shut off the water main, and by then, there is water everywhere in the area. It's bone dry here. Oh wait, someone will state that it all just evaporated from the sun on a hot day.

Then, look at the van itself and its damage. The narrative states 10 dead and some 15 injured. Most typically, with pedestrian / vehicle incidents, as in the deer collision above, the victim is thrown up and into / through the windshield. The truck here has no windshield damage whatsoever, after allegedly running down so many pedestrians. If one is in doubt, take a few minutes to search on various vehicle / pedestrian accidents and it becomes very clear about the damage to the vehicle, windshield too, and the mess. For the sake of not grossing out or offending people here, no images are posted, but go look on your own. Examples abound.

Ole Dammegard, up here on @lightonconspira, does a great job deconstructing several false flag attacks in this video interview. Given its total length, one can focus on Ole's Toronto analysis by itself from 45:48 through 1:09:40.

But hey, in our world of two-minute attention spans, one does not expect many to look into this.

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