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RE: Conditioning the Masses for a Political Savior

in #vampiresquid7 years ago

I fucking loved this article. Going to show it to my girlfriend, hopefully she actually reads it. I had to break down some of this because it was just too good to not dive a little deeper. Man, it really hits the nail on the head.

  • We've become so accustomed to being voyeurs in our own lives
    I think this is a huge part of the human condition. The problem is that so many people haven't even become aware that they are not their thoughts, emotions, ideas, etc. They believe soooo much that all that baggage is WHO THEY ARE, when really they are the ones behind it all watching it. Those are the people who are the voyeurs for sure, great wording by the way... going to steal that. I honestly am unsure on how we can shake these people out of their unconscious dream state and get them to wake up, but then again, that's what every philosophical, spiritual, or life teacher has been trying to do since the begginning of time, lol.

  • Fear is relentlessly broadcast though every medium until we accept this as our destiny
    Fear. The one element that is necessary to control entire populations. Without fear, what power does the establishment have?? Really. That's it. They have guns, sure. They have nukes, ok. But if nobody feared all of that, what could they REALLY do??

  • the American people were introduced to their savior, Barrack Obama.
    I have to admit, I WANTED to believe the hype about Obama, but I saw that it was all a stage. We just came from one of the worst president's ever, Bush. 8 years of war... Economy in turmoil... Jobs were getting slashed by the millions. Then we had a young black guy from chicago claiming "hope and change" vs. a old white republican saying that we'll be in the middle east for "a 100 years". It's theater. It's a ruse.

  • Trump is a reality TV star, who's role is to 'entertain' America
    That is exactly what I've been saying to all my friends since the day he got elected. He is literally the BEST distraction they could ask for. Instead of all the political movements that were gaining power, instead of us continuing to work together on REAL issues, nope... all the organizing and anger is now directed at RESIST campaigns that mean LITERALLY nothing.


Glad you liked it... and reading your response "James Gets It"!

You weren't the only one sucked in by Obama, people really NEEDED him to be real. We were given exactly what we craved deep down, but it was a fabrication...I was skeptical of Obama and as soon as he started 'negotiating' with the Republicans over healthcare, trying to generate support from both sides... I knew it was definitely a sham. If the Republicans had a super majority (executive/congress/senate) would they try to 'work with' their democratic counterparts? Ah Heeeell Noo! They would have rammed their legislation through without a second thought. It's all bullshit, we know it, they know it.
I don't know how people keep falling for the false left/right paradigm.
American democracy is completely control so you'll never have a choice that isn't part of America Inc.

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