Posts on Steemit aren't valuable.

in #value8 years ago (edited)

You heard that right. All those posts trending to 5k? 10k? 20k? 30k? They are not the value. Not directly anyways. Allow me to elaborate:

Steemit is a social network. What is a social network, you ask? Good question. 

Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals. social networking has gone on almost as long as societies themselves have existed.

So how does this tie into the posting rewards at all? What's that whole intro about posts not being valuable? It's quite simple, really. Content creates connections. Signups create connections and cultures and dynamics are evolving at a breakneck pace by the forces of the market at work. In layman terms: Your posts attract new people to the Steemit network, or they open current people to the subject of your post; THIS is the value. THIS is what you get votes and payouts for. 

You get money based on your connections. You get money based on the social capital, emotional capital and learning potential of that which you post.

Now you might wonder; why should I care about this insight, @spookypooky? I'll tell you why. Because most of you are blatantly wrong in your approach. You're like content hucksters or swindlers, randomly trying to add people on facebook to make a quick buck. This is NOT a DURABLE approach for the Steemit network. 

Rather, make friends. Make connections. Follow each other, like each other's posts and most importantly; motivate each other to be passionate and to excel. You are the fans. You are the creators. You are the publishing network. You're both a Facebook shareholder and a friend to those on the network. You're the creator of a Youtube video and the stockholder that determines content direction and marketing strategies. You are in a position of power and of creativity. It's only natural that you'd make connections with a team of the best and brightest around, to shape your vision.

Did you enjoy this post? Follow me and leave a comment below for more insights. Would you like to plug your own post? Please do so respectfully and without spamming.


you got the idea, mate.

or halfway there. posts CAN be valuable, too.

work on increasing the value of your posts - in their content and delivery - just as you work on growing your social network, and there will be a synergistic compounding effect.

i.e. if you were to work on your copywriting skills and tweak the headline on this and format it to read like a well-written copy-letter - and add multiple relevant tags to increase its exposure - ALOT more people would click through, see the value in your message, reward you, comment, and sow the seeds for new relationships.

keep it up. this attitude is valuable here... ;-)

Onward and upward! Synergy and compounding seems to be key here. The ones you know or the ones who know you seem to be the spark that ignites the fire. Gotta grind out those skills!

I think it is the right long term based vision that will allow Steemit to grow properly

I agree! You have more value for STEEM if you have already an audience and bringing them with you. If you have no connections, you need to be a good writer ..

Welcome to the Steemit community. I have added you to my list of people to follow and I hope that you will do the same.

I was attracted to your article because the title was interesting! I just had to open and read it!

Well I have also created a blog here as well and would like to ask if you would kindly contribute some of your knowledge to the community and perhaps answer a question or two I have posted on the link below.

By any means. Here is the link to my blog:

Thank you in advance for answering a few simple questions! Your answers really assist the community and to keep it growing!

I upvoted you by the way!

more like who you know, not the highest you go. It's the followers that makes you, well you :)

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