Another homemade ring, Valentine's Day forever!

in #valentinesday6 years ago (edited)

               Let me go old school again for a bit here, what with all the crazy blockchain-centric stuff that has been brewing and storming all over steemit lately, and on my page too I admit. Not a lot of people would probably figure this about me, but I love Valentine's Day, like a lot. I try to go all out you know, with the movies and the treats and the romance. I'm truly lucky to have someone to share it with, and this post is just a fun one, maybe a little teaser for that special someone to see what I've been working on.

My Valentine's Day high comes down after about a week so I guess we're here. Hope everyone had a wonderful one and spent it with the people they love. Also disclaimer before you call me a cheapskate, I got a legit ring too, this is just extra.


Yeah, that's totally a puma. Do you even know how heartbroken I was after it took me several hours to draw a neat puma on a ring with a sharpie that turned out not to be a sharpie, only to see the ink wash away the moment I put it in my homemade etchant. I literally had to go out and buy super specific sharp tipped sharpie for this, and do it twice. Worth it though, this looks dope. Oh, and that ring is on a dollar coin, with the magnesium brass, totally next level compared with the quarter one.

Anyways, this is not enough, and I can't keep using zinc because it's, you know, kinda toxic in raw form so let me show you how began the process of two-tone fullmetal ring creation. Dipped it molten tin, fire, passion, it's all there.


Resourcefulness at its finest.


Because tin is like crazy expensive, and it would cut down on finish time by a lot, I'm making a column here for the metal dip with a paper ring that I should've wrapped with tape on the inside because the paper ripped when I took it out. Explains a portion of the scorching after the propane blasts.


Here's a video of me derpily hunched over the project, blasting solder and coins on a balcony in an effort to weave one of the greatest feats known to mankind.

And here is what I have so far:





Only two little areas where the tin didn't reach, not bad at all considering my techniques. Really need a rotating brick platform though. Now I have to carefully grind away all that excess tin and hope the puma will come out before I dig too deep, cause I forgot where the puma was on the ring.

Oh man, this has been a good time. A loshcat in love is a wonderful thing to see I heard someone say one time. Was I under the influence at the time of making this post, yeah, under the influence of love, WAPOW!


are you going to inscribe blockchain is forever on it because thats the only way to redeem this cringe lol jk. Seriously is it going to turn my finger green again. oh and yes the puma is fabulous.

Harsh and no green this time, hopefully. I might dip it in that clear nail polish lol

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