Valentine's Day, do you wish to save up some money for a better vacation then just buying another gift? Here are some tips of how you can make your wife happy without spending much๐๐
I do not know why, maybe it's at least like this, when I want to surprise someone I love, I tell myself " it will be very expensive or better not to do anything".
As a kid I remember that my family did not remember such days of love or birthdays, it was not an issue ...
"You know you're loved, you do not have to spend a lot of money for it"
It was created that were big birthdays that cost a lot of money.
And there were birthdays that almost ignored my birthday, or whatever.
So, with women, it's not exactly like that.
My wife always told me, buy me something small and do not need anything big!
I did not believe her, I told her so
"We have "
- Anniversary
- My birthday
- Her birthday
- The Hebrew Love Day
- The Latin Valentine's Day
Almost one month salary goes only on celebrations of love every year(that's how men think) lolz...
I do love love, but we are a young couple, money isn't a common thing!
So here are some small instructions that will help the average man (at least for me it helped)
All that a woman needs these days is that you pay attention to her.
What can help it? Of course, keys to a new Ferrari can be a great idea.
But we'll go down to the ground
Most important, letter, write down what you feel about your wife.
As you write, you will understand how important she is to you, and she will feel it.The gift depends on your budget, so a woman does not look at what she needs (that's how men tend to think "What do I need"?), It's pleasant for her to get the gift because she gets the attention.
It can be a scarf even if it has ten, it can be a speckled package, it can be a book that is very wanted, it does not have to amount to a lot of money, it can be a small gift.You can go to a restaurant after you have written a letter! Remember, it's important for her to pay attention to me more than a normal day, that's the excuse to get attention.
It is very important that if you have already bought something small, be nicely packed, not in the supermarket bag :)
pick one date a year that you buy something expensive for her if you can afford more then one date every year so go for it.
I hope that I helped.
Well done ..
The sincere attention expresses that love and a beautiful word completes the subject
Thanks for sharing
The love between husband and wife is not limited to valentine day. Small gifts must be exchanged frequently.
Lol that's a surprise for sure !!
But if we are not celebrating our life, then what's the point of living !! Isn't it?
It is Indeed :p
Hahahah. Yes we girls love to unwrap gift paper !! Atleast I do !!
hey man @amiramnoam thanks so much for this, i wish i can give you a big hug, been all day thinking how to make my wife happy tody being valentine, she asked i help transfer an article from my laptop to hers and i saw this on her screen, i am just going to do as you have said. seems she is on her way back from the basement. Got to go now. Thanks again man.
oh yes! the letter is the main! I adore them
and I always asked my men not to make expensive gifts but to write some sincere words about their feelings.
and I can forget all presents, but these letters are kept in my heart forever!
All that a woman needs these days is that you pay attention to her..
I totally agree to that. As a wife, yes, I may appreciate efforts made by my husband and any woman would be so happy to receive expensive gifts and eating in a fancy restaurant. However, if you are already a parent, you will not think only for yourself and your partner. You need to consider the needs of your kids. So your priority will change.
As for me, may it be a valentines day or any special or even just a simple day, the thought that my husband loves me sincerely would already more than enough. A simple hug, kiss on my forehead and a reassurance of his pure love to me would be the most romantic gift of all.
thanks for sharing.
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ืืฆืืฅ. :)
Its a normal day that people make a big fuss about. Everything is overpriced with promotions popping up everywhere only targeting for couples. I don't get why boyfriends become super romantic on this day. Don't you have to be romantic everyday? Valentine's day has become so overrated.
Hehe for Sure a woman invented it.
Thanks for some good advice about relationship
Love is a feeling
It should be expressed
It is not present in the fancy and expensive gifts
But it is the strongest bond between two people