France To Make Vaccinations Mandatory From 2018

in #vaccines7 years ago


France is the latest European Country to announce they will make Vaccinations 'Mandatory' as according to there false belief it is 'Unacceptable for children to be dying of Measles', The Independent reports:

Parents in France will be legally obliged to vaccinate their children from 2018, the government has announced.

French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said it was “unacceptable” that children are "still dying of measles” in the country where some of the earliest vaccines were pioneered.

Announcing the policy, Mr Philippe evoked the name of Louis Pasteur, the French biologist who made breakthroughs in disease research and developed the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax in the 19th century.

He said all the vaccines which are universally recommended by health authorities – 11 in total – would be compulsory.

We have seen a similar stance in Italy just a few weeks ago:

The Italian government has made 12 vaccines mandatory for children attending school up to age 16 in an effort to combat what it characterises as misinformation about vaccines.

The new measures followed an intense public debate over vaccines after a measles outbreak and political sniping over accusations that the populist 5-Star movement had emboldened anti-vaccine advocates.

The World appears to slowly enforcing Vaccinations upon it's state populations. This is likely due to the ever increasing awareness of just how ineffective and more importantly, damaging, these Vaccinations are.

Vaccine uptake as decreased in many areas of the World and so-called experts have been frantically trying to find new ways to dupe people into rethinking their decision.

But of course the fail safe to ensure maximum Vaccine uptake and thus maximum profit is by forced vaccination. Be prepared, because if mandatory vaccinations have not reached you yet - they soon will!

Read this article in it's entirety on our website

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