EU court: Vaccines can be blamed for illnesses without proof

in #vaccines7 years ago

The highest court of the European Union ruled Wednesday that courts can consider whether a vaccination led to someone developing an illness even when there is no scientific proof.

The decision was issued on Wednesday in relation to the case of a Frenchman known as Mr. J.W., who was immunized against hepatitis B in late 1998-99. About a year later, Mr. J.W. was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In 2006, he and his family sued vaccine-maker Sanofi Pasteur in an attempt to be compensated for the damage they claim he suffered due to the vaccine. Mr. J.W. died in 2011.

Well, since Steemit seems to be having some issues today with posting this will be my second go at writing this article. Maybe the first one will show up tomorrow and we can compare the differences. lol

Good news for the anti-vaccine crowd. These companies have literally been getting away with murder for decades. I just wish the USA would change it laws so Americans can once again sue the vaccine makers.

On Wednesday, the EU's top court said that despite the lack of scientific consensus on the issue, a vaccine could be considered defective if there is "specific and consistent evidence," including the time between a vaccine's administration, the individual's previous state of health, the lack of any family history of the disease and a significant number of reported cases of the disease occurring following vaccination.

This seems like scientific evidence to me. Your a healthy person before getting a vaccine and soon after you are diagnosed with some rare disease. It doesn't take much scientific research to start point the finger at the vaccine. Especially when you consider the fact that these vaccines have been known by the industry to contain monkey viruses that can mutate, cross species and infect humans. Just google SV-40 if you don't believe me.

In my wife's case she was perfectly healthy before getting the flu shot then she got one because she was forced to by the hospital she worked at to get it and about a month later she was admitted to the hospital with an infection in her brain stem that was later diagnosed as viral meningitis. Even though viral meningitis is one of the many side effects from getting a flu shot the doctors still didn't believe it was the vaccine that caused her to get sick.

I hope the people in the EU sue the pants off these vaccine makers and force them to clean up these dangerous and deadly vaccines.


Its about time. Pharmaceuticals have been get away with murder and the number on criminal is bill gates. He and his company has been pushing vaccines without a worry in the world because until now there hasn't been any real recourse,

Bill Gates is such a scumbag who the public need to realise has been allowed to rise to such prominence and wealth due to being in with the Luciferians since the day he took Microsoft public.

The higest court in Germany did a verdict in 12-2016, that there is NO proof of the existence of viruses, for example measles. The conclusion is: vaccinations are dangerous and useless.

Thanks for bringing this issue up again. All I know is I can read the ingredients on my soda, I should be able to read what is in my shot before taking it. The Health Ranger has a lot to say about this issue in You Tube. He is a scientist able to test what is in the shots. He says we should be alarmed. The thing that I find most concerning is there is a video of Bill Gates talking about vaccinations related to population control in Africa!

These people are nuts.

I post an audio recording a while back on Steemit of a famous vaccine researcher laughing to a PBS host that he 'accidentally' introduced aids to people through the monkey kidney cells in the vaccines.

They're so confident in their mass murder sprees that they're not even trying to hide it anymore, or at least not trying very hard.

The thing that seems to have changed is that they are leaving no room for credible denial by the slave minds in the public, that it's actually happening. It's the same with vault 7. They're shoving their misdeeds in the faces of everyone and daring us all to do something. It's a sure sign of pathologically immoral behavior.

I love it when the vaccine crowd acts like me not getting vaccinated is going to get all the vaccinated people sick... lol... such great logic.. But if one person doesn't get the vaccine it ruins it for all of us!

Ya the herd immunity crap is such BS. Didn't turn out well for this guy or my wife.

My primary care doctor calls me a troublemaker because I won't get a flu shot. I also have a cat who has an autoimmune disorder she developed when she was four years old, and the vet straight up told me it was because she got her annual rabies vaccine at the same time she was having an allergic reaction to fleas on her ears. She has to be on steroids for the rest of her life now, and can never be vaccinated again.

Calling you a troublemaker for exercising your freedom of choice is defamation of character on his part. It's slander if he says it, and libel if he prints it. He are acting in a professional capacity while he's doing it. If you can show physical or financial injury, you can make him pay. If he is told this, he may think twice, and shut his tyrannical mouth.

He usually says it in a joking manner, but he says it pretty much every time he sees me. I even went in with my husband last week when he went for a visit, so I wasn't even the patient at that visit, and the doctor came in and saw me and said, "Aw, what are YOU doing back here?"

I (sarcastically) told him I just couldn't stay away because I enjoyed visiting him so much. My husband asked me about that comment later, and I said the doctor believes me to be a troublemaker because I won't get the flu shot.

I wonder what he writes in your medical file after you leave.

Oh, geez. I can only imagine. He comments on a lot of things, even about other doctors. He knows a couple of my other doctors, and says one is a troublemaker like me (they did their residency together) and the other one is crazy. Therefore, he thinks these are perfect doctors for me. :/

I haven't found a 'troublemaker' doctor since I've moved. I haven't had the need.

See the animal vets are more honest because they are less likely to be sued for telling the truth and there's big money at stake for ranchers to keep their animals as healthy as possible. The same logic doesn't apply to humans because we have insurance or free healthcare if we get sick and someone else just ends up paying for it.

Your story about what happen to your wife is very touching.

Also thank you for sharing this interesting article.

Thanks for this update. I put up articles about vaccine dangers and they are blocked more than not even here on steemit. Even more so with stories about chemtrail poisoning going on right in front of our eyes at 30000 feet.

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