The Flu Shot ? Ask your phone

in #vaccines6 years ago

If my math is correct
Thimerosal is added at a concentration of 1:10000. That is equivalent to 100,000 parts per billion (ppb). Half of thimerosal (C9H9HgNaO2S) is mercury. That makes 50,000 ppb mercury in the vaccine.

More math
Flu vaccine has “only” 25 mcg The shot is 0.5mL. Let’s do some math:
25 mcg / 0.5mL =
25 mcg / .0005L =
250,000 mcg / 5L =
50,000 mcg / L
1 mcg / L = 1 ppb, therefore
The shot has 50,000 ppb of

Oh don't worry about those small amounts todd!
2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in drinking water ?
According to the CDC
600 ppb Mercury in the “thimerosal-free” vaccine.
Thimerosal studies!

"39" Scientific Papers Showing Linking Thimerosal Exposure to Autism

Integrating experimental (in vitro and in vivo) neurotoxicity studies of
low-dose thimerosal relevant to vaccines.

There is a need to interpret neurotoxic studies to help deal with uncertainties surrounding pregnant mothers, newborns and young children who must
receive repeated doses of Thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs).

Information extracted from studies indicates that: (a) activity of low doses of Thimerosal against isolated human and animal brain cells was found in all
studies and is consistent with Hg neurotoxicity; (b) the neurotoxic effect of ethylmercury has not been studied with co-occurring adjuvant-Al in TCVs; (c) animal studies have shown that exposure to Thimerosal-Hg can lead to accumulation of inorganic Hg in brain, and that (d) doses relevant to TCV
exposure possess the potential to affect human neuro-development.

Neurodevelopmental disorders following thimerosal-containing childhood immunizations: a follow-up analysis.

“The present study provides additional epidemiological evidence supporting previous epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence that administration of thimerosal-containing vaccines in the United States resulted in a significant number of children developing NDs.”

Neonatal administration of thimerosal causes persistent changes in mu opioid receptors in the rat brain

“These data document that exposure to thimerosal during early postnatal life produces lasting alterations in the densities of brain opioid receptors along with other neuropathological changes, which may disturb brain development.”

Persistent behavioral impairments and alterations of brain dopamine system after early postnatal administration of thimerosal in rats.

“These data document that early postnatal THIM administration causes lasting neurobehavioral impairments and neurochemical alterations in the brain,
dependent on dose and sex. If similar changes occur in THIM/mercurial-
exposed children, they could contribute do neurodevelopmental disorders.”

Maternal Thimerosal Exposure Results in Aberrant Cerebellar
Oxidative Stress, Thyroid Hormone Metabolism, and Motor Behavior
in Rat Pups; Sex- and Strain-Dependent Effects.

Thimerisol exposure also resulted in a significant increase in cerebellar levels of the oxidative stress marker 3-nitrotyrosine.... This coincided with an increased (47.0%) expression of a gene negatively regulated by T3,... Our
data thus demonstrate a negative neurodevelopmental impact of perinatal thimerisol exposure.

Administration of thimerosal to infant rats increases overflow of
glutamate and aspartate in the prefrontal cortex: protective role of
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.

Oh but what if I have egg allergies ?
Injecting protein ?
I thought Amino acids are suppose to be in our blood?
Sounds like an auto immune disease.

Gelatin ? Hope you are not vegan ;)

Hey wait where is the female cocker spaniel dog piss? MDCK

SO If I live in Michigan I'm protected ?
What do these doctors learn about administering vaccines?
For real!


Top 10 reasons to turn off Dancing with the stars and rethink. ;)

  1. Flu infection is rarely a threat during normal pregnancy.

  2. There is no "convincing evidence" that the flu vaccination is effective during pregnancy. NO good evidence it works for anyone.

  3. Why not vitamins/supplements that have a safe track record?vitamin D or C?

  4. Studies have not adequately assessed the risk of flu vaccination during pregnancy.

  5. Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative present in most flu vaccines, has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, in humans.
    Here is a video of mercury's effect on neurons.

  • Thimerosal has been linked to a number of animal reproductive toxicities including teratogenicity, mutagenicity and fetal death.

  • Trade off worth the risk?
    #1 side effect Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).

  • Was considered the most dangerous vaccine in 2014.

  • 50,000 ppm mercury
    Safe amount ?

  • For pregnant women was Considered unjustified, unwise, and should be withdrawn.
    The FDA has admitted that the safety of Thimerosal, when used as a preservative, has not been established to the regulatory standard, “sufficiently nontoxic… .” This fact was established in a three-year investigation by a United States House Committee and set forth in the “A. Findings” section of its published 2003 report as set forth in Title 21 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR) at paragraph 610.15(a)[21 CFR § 610.15(a)].

  • The literature that comes with most vaccines admits that … ‘has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or its potential to impair fertility.’

    The fluval vaccine warns ‘safety and efficacy has not been established in pregnant women’ and yet it continues to be recommended to them. So what happens when all these substances are mixed?
    What about gene mutations that make people more susceptible to illness? MTHFR gene mutation

    So what about the effects of all the other ingredients in vaccines, such as aborted fetal cell lines, formaldehyde, DNA from other species such as monkeys, chickens, guinea pigs, etc?

    Well, no one knows! None have been evaluated for their carcinogenic or mutagenic potential individually or combined (synergistic toxicity), or its potential to impair fertility.

    The BEST EVER !!

    I was at Walgreens buying a couple bottles of green tea
    And the cashier asked me is that all you need?
    Do you need a shot or anything?
    I said we'll it is 3:00 somewhere right? What do you have have?
    She giggled and said no I meant are you up to date on all your shots we are offering the flu shot today .
    I said let let me ask you a question.
    I said I have some mercury in my pocket would you like to do a shot of mercury with me? Just a small shot say 25 mcg's .
    She said NO.
    I said we'll let me tell you that you need to Remember that 2 ppb mercury is the mandated limit in drinking water and normally 200 ppb would label something a toxic hazard. That shot you are offering me has 50,000 ppb of mercury
    would you like to do a shot you are offering with me? Customers are lol.
    She said I WILL PASS!
    I said well I will pass on the shot unless it is pecan whiskey. ;)

    Have a great day

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