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RE: Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier: #TeamVaxXed Tour Now Interviewing Unvaccinated Families

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

This is a picture of people in the iron lung, from the Polio Epidemic in the 50s and 60s.


Could you imagine having something like this come back...? As, well, because of people preaching against vaccines there are countries who are having trouble stopping polio right now especially South East Asia.

Ask your grandparents about it... Vaccines saves lives, from torture of unseen warfare.

I am not vouching that all vaccines are good, but I am saying to simple say All Vaccines are poison and bad is VERY IGNORANT especially for someone who hasn't seen the first had experience of an epidemic that vaccines now prevent.

Your 3 kids should NEVER leave the country for being unvaccinated puts them at risk of everything from Polio to Small Pox.

Although I strongly disagree with the language.
This drives the point home.
See below on the reason why Vaccines exist.

Now before you crucify me for going against your opinion and choice to not vaccinate. I am not standing up for Big Pharma or for the laws making it illegal to not vaccinate. What I am saying, is that simply put. Vaccines work, and without them, we would lose far far far more children with vaccines.

If you don't believe me, do a test for yourself that will simply prove my point.

Google, smallpox, google mumps, google measles, google polio... in countries where vaccines are not available. See what you find.

I sincerely mean no harm against you, I just disagree with your ideology on this matter.


I have googled all those things. I've had mumps, measles, rubella and chickenpox and I'ld prefer my children to have all of those than to get the vaccines for them. I do not live in filthy conditions with no sanitation and am not malnourished, thus these illness are not a concern.

Oh, and this is a picture of the modern "Iron Lung". And it happened to this boy because of a vaccine. Vaccines cause paralysis too.

And here is his story I put on Steemit:

HPV Vaccine Paralyzes Athletic 13-yr-old Colton of Utah

Also, most cases of polio only appeared like sniffles or a cold. Vaccines actually contributed to Polio Paralysis. It was called "Provocation Polio." Read my article on that here:

Part II of Clues to the present-day "Polio-Like Illness" sweeping America -- History Shows that Shots/Needles Caused "Provocation Poliomyelitis"

There are not enough words to express how horrible this is.

HPV possible cure: :D

also, i thought the HPV vaccine was for girls...

Yes, apparently HPV is quite treatable if not left too long. Regular pap smears will catch it and it is treated and gone. The HPV vaccine is damaging lots of young people. Plus after getting the vaccine they feel like they can skip pap smears (because they are now immune) even though the vaccine only is for a few of the many strains of HPV.

Boys are now given the vaccine supposedly because they can spread HPV via oral s-x. Of course it's just another market for the pharmaceutical product. It is even under consideration now to give to newborns just like HepB is on the first day of life in the USA. Imagine giving newborns vaccines for 2 sexually transmitted diseases on the 1st day of life -- LUNACY!!

yeah. maybe they should be allowed to decide if they even want to have sex or not first. :)

I appreciate that you mean no harm and it is fine to disagree on a few things.
Discussion is good.
I am glad that you realize that not all the vaccines are good. They are giving so many to babies and children this day that it really is ridiculous to me.
Even if you think that the Polio vaccine was a good one, you should know that the Polio Vaccine was contaminated with the cancer-causing monkey virus SV40. It was the start of the cancer epidemic and is still today in a large percentage of tumors.

My parents and my husbands parents got that vaccine and all have had or died from cancer.

Your picture didn't show up @timbo

One moment, will include the original link I do appreciate the heads up.

The picture I linked was the black and white one at the link above (2nd picture from the top).

I will add a new link so it works.

I implore you, to please look at the information again, especially the data on the decline of the polio problem in relation to sanitation, hygiene, and the time frame of the beginning of use of the vaccine. I think you will find this most informative.

There are much more effective, much less dangerous technologies available today.

Indeed you will or you will look like the other jackass who's probably making money for typing..................................................

Hey baah ... give the guy the benefit of the doubt please! I applaud him for being willing to investigate further. It took me about a year to delve into studying it after I was first exposed to what I initially thought was crazy talk.

This is internet

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