
Have you personally experienced/acknowledged any benefits from the practice of Sungazing?

I actually experienced the opposite. Even looking at the sun for a very short period of time can damage the eyes.

I appreciate your feedback. All we can do is share our personal experiences here. I won't be telling anyone what to do. Just what I have learned and how it has affected me.

After an optician confirmed recently there is nothing wrong with my eyes (after many years of doing this) I personally don't have any fears around this subject.

But understanding the specifics behind how it should be done... well, this is very important.

I would be interested to find out more about your personal experience?

I just stared at the sun in the very late hours of day for a very short time and it screwed up a very tiny part of my vision at the very center of my field of vision.

I don't understand how starring at the sun can help but I respect your experience. I just needed to add this warning so people can realize the very real dangers.

Understood. Yes, for sure this practice should come with a warning. I will make this clear when writing the main article.

The field of vision you mention. How is it now?

It's okay. When looking far away, the very point I'm focusing on is blurred so I can't see numbers or letters from far away but I pretty sure I'm better than 70% and possibly 80-90% so I can't really complain on my vision.

Had you damaged your eyes because of the sun light or because you ignored your body signals and the instinct to look away? Not being insensitive to your experience, simply asking for deeper consideration? Sungazing/bathing can also be beneficial with the eye lids closed. The sun at midday and the sun during the first and last hours of the day are very different. There is much to read about the complete spectrum of light available during what is often called the "golden hour".

I am not attempting to change yours or anyone else's fears or opinion on how to live or heal the body. All I can say is that I fully corrected my eyesight (-2 and -4) through this practice and have spoken with others who have done so too.

That is not to mention all the other energetic and vibrant benefits of getting up early and enjoying a meditative space in the mornings as well as taking a time out for your self during the beauty of the sun setting.

I look forward to Sam's article and to further respectful discussion fellow.


I just stared at the sun in the very late hours of day for a very short time and it screwed up a very tiny part of my vision at the very center of my field of vision.

I don't understand how starring at the sun can help but I respect your experience. I just needed to add this warning so people can realize the very real dangers.

I respect your experience too.

Thank you, I respect and empathize with yours.

Now if we may look at this more specifically? All I can say is acknowledging the lack a understanding many of us have about medical issues is the best stance to have when diving into research and learning, if that is the intention.

Full circle, this is why I feel Sam's share on the topic will be so important for others looking in to natural cures. The body is a magnificent thing, it is designed to autonomously repair injury and function optimally given the right nutrients and most importantly and over-looked; rest.

The only complaints I have heard about sungazing and impairing vision have been due to too much, too soon. Not respecting the innate and intuitive guidance system that is pre-built in us all. Following what feels good and respecting what does not. Corneal burns do heal, actually the eye is one of the fastest healing along with the mouth. Rest in this case could mean something as cool as an eye patch, literally resting it can help so much. Giving it time not functioning and blinks disturbing the surface of the corneal, which is literally the lens to your eye.

Obviously I am NOT A MEDICAL "PROFESSIONAL" and I would never pretend to be. Feel free to completely disregard what I have to say in favor for whatever information suits your world "view". The only reason I am responding is because of what I have experienced and knowledge I learned personally along the way that may help you or others. That is all, please do not take this in any way other than with the intent to encourage you and to know your vision can be heal.. naturally.

The only other persistent complaint about vision I have heard of has been due to toxic build up in the eye. Is this something you have looked into? It is literally a filter and that beautiful thing has blood flowing through it constantly. This means it can also be clogged or detoxified and often when addressing our other health issues, the cleansing of the eyes and as such the vision is inevitable. That is another topic of living a clean lifestyle.

This comment is clearly getting long now and I don't want to come off as someone who thinks he "knows it all", I certainly do not. I only know what I know from my own personal experiences and in my humble opinion the use of glasses to "help" me see were to root cause for my own eyes not healing and staying lazy. So what I once thought was a permanent situation, due in part a welding incident and then blamed on a multitude of other "ideas". Something that ended my boxing career that was a life long passion and something that everyone around me beLIEved was a unfixable.. well, that simply wasn't true.

I will end here, if you'd like to continue engaging with this then I would be happy to. Otherwise please accept my only intention is to share any advice/help I can that may inspire you towards healing your vision and overcoming your fear of the life giving light of the sun.

I feel at least we may all agree that seeing is one of those blessings that many of us over-look until it is threatened.


This comment is clearly getting long now and I don't want to come off as someone who thinks he "knows it all", I certainly do not.

You come up as very genuine and very kind.

overcoming your fear of the life giving light of the sun.

I don't necessarily fear it, Like you I know the Sun is the source of all life on Earth.

My vision could possibly be fully heal but the damage is so minimal that it's not really a problem. It was way worst when it first happened.

I know the cells of the eyes regenerate the fastest. It's an interesting fact of biology. I think rare are people who know about this.

Thank you for your innerstanding friend. Many blessings and for now I'm looking forward to read Sam's next provocative and stimulating piece to further the discussion. Wholeness.

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