
No they don't. This is just senseless propaganda with no basis in reality

Why are you saying this? This is exactly what the nytimes article says.

It's also on the WHO site.

Q: What is vaccine-derived polio?

A: Oral polio vaccine (OPV) contains an attenuated (weakened) vaccine-virus, activating an immune response in the body. When a child is immunized with OPV, the weakened vaccine-virus replicates in the intestine for a limited period, thereby developing immunity by building up antibodies. During this time, the vaccine-virus is also excreted. In areas of inadequate sanitation, this excreted vaccine-virus can spread in the immediate community (and this can offer protection to other children through ‘passive’ immunization), before eventually dying out.

It clearly states that it was due to poor vaccination practices in the region

“These vaccine-derived outbreaks really are a marker of poor vaccination and poor sanitation in the community,” said Dr. Homer Venters, director of programs at Physicians for Human Rights, an international aid group based in New York that supports humanitarian work in war zones, including Syria and Yemen.

If for example one is given heart medicine and one ends up misusing it, causing heart failure it doesn't mean the heart medicine caused the heart-failure. The person who misused it did. In the same way, knives don't kill, toasters don't toast and cars don't cause traffic accidents.

Along with a recent measles outbreak near Damascus, the Syrian capital, and a cholera scourge raging in war-torn Yemen, Dr. Venters said, the new polio outbreak “is another indication that public health systems have been decimated by these conflicts.”

at least quote the entire story..not what suits the anti-vaccine narrative. Be objective. The guys in the video above makes false correlations, post-hoc arguments and ties everything together with plenty of Alex Jones tinfoil

Can polio vaccine cause polio outbreak? Yes. They can be in cause, in conjunction with other factors.

I'm not debating whether or not the vaccination program benefit out way the risks. That's another issue.

Can water cause drowning? Yes. It can be in cause, in conjunction with other factors.

The statement doesn't really say anything. The message most people get is that "vaccine can cause X". This is actually true for every drug in existence. Every substance we digest. The point is % of occurrence not if the ills are advertised under sensationalist titles. Nobody would pay attention to the fact that billions of people got vaccinated about polio and nothing happened to them but we will pay attention to the 50 cases that went south because a war zone enabled it.

The story is presented under false premises. This is how anti-vaxxers build their narrative and you should know better.

  • Vaccines aren't perfect.
  • Maybe the premise of vaccination is wrong.
  • Medical authorities can be wrong and have been wrong in the past.
  • Medical studies pointing out vaccines or combination of vaccine can sometimes have risks outweighing their benefits.
  • Some vaccines have been withdrawn from market because the harm outweighed the benefits.
  • I'll eventually address all of these issues in an article that you'll be able to refute if you like.

Vaccines aren't perfect.

nothing is. you are not saying anything

Maybe the premise of vaccination is wrong.

What can be assumed without evidence can be disrgarded without evidence. Maybe the sun is blue from up close. Maybe flying unicorns live in Mars. Many unfounded maybes.

Medical authorities can be wrong and have been wrong in the past.

So are paranoid parents that have no idea what they are talking about. Again, not an argument.

Medical studies pointing out vaccines or combination of vaccine can sometimes have risks outweighing their benefits.

Most studies show they are beneficial. In fact the only studies that show that they are bad are independent studies from "alternative medicine" clinics. That's like Mars chocolate sponsoring a research in order to confirm that it is the most elastic chocolate.

Some vaccines have been withdrawn from market because the harm outweighed the benefits.

Of course. Same applies to many medicines much of which we both used. Medicine is not perfect. again. not an argument.

I'll eventually address all of these issues in an article that you'll be able to refute if you like.

I am looking forward to it.

You aren't providing any sources to any of your statement. I just pointed that your first statement was wrong.

"The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it." Alberto Brandolini

Vaccines are a complex subject and as you mentioned they are subject to advancement just like any other part of science and some stuff that were found to be right can be later proven wrong.

You can be wrong. You should show more humility when you interact with people. You come up very off when you're interacting with me.

Most studies show they are beneficial. In fact the only studies that show that they are bad are independent studies from "alternative medicine" clinics.

This is very wrong. You contradict yourself. You continue admitting some vaccines have been removed from the markets because the risks associated with them have been shown to out weight the benefits. There has been such studies and there will be such studies in the future.

It is a very complex subject.

Can I ask you how many ours have you spend investigating it? I estimate having spent more than a thousand of hours and maybe more than one.

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