When Will the Mass Public Wake Wp and Realize They are Poisoning Innocent Children with Vaccines?

in #vaccines7 years ago


Ignorance will crush and subdue us. Start asking tough questions. There are no shortcuts! For wellness, we have to make smart, educated choices to support our bodies. There is and has been a decline in health and healthcare. Start watching more closely and reading about the ingredients and adverse events regarding vaccines. Drug companies, insurance companies, doctors, government, media, and universities are getting rich as our society as a whole is getting chronically sick. It is all about greed and hatred. When will the mass public wake up and realize they are poisoning innocent children with vaccines?

Fear is being used to control people, and fear is very powerful! The media, government, and drug companies have so many brainwashed and scared and believing one-sided information.

Healing and health does not come from poisonous, toxic vaccines nor does it come from prescription drugs.
We think we have free will and are independent in our thoughts, but the reality is that for the majority of our population, their thoughts are programmed.

Stop believing the lies, rise above, and seek the truth!

Be Smart!

With proper nutrition, our bodies are very intelligent!

You have the right to ask for and read vaccine insert or look them up online, either way, please read them!

Photo Credit: http://www.picturequotes.com


People really need to understand that their ignorance can cause death to themselves and their loved ones. And it will be partly their fault. Great info here thanks, @sburton!

So very true! Great points! Ignorance is definitely not bliss. Ignorance is hurting and killing children. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!

Sometimes I'm optimistic but then there are times when that mass of people blindly trusting the official story is just getting bigger and bigger, like a rising bread. But I try to remain hopeful and spread some information if I get a chance. The problem is that the majority of the parents don't even bother thinking about vaccines until something goes seriously wrong. Minor problems are not even attributed to vaccination, even though they should be, and so many go through life naïvely thinking there was no harm done.

You have made some very good points. Most parents do not know the side effects resulting from vaccines or what to look for unless it is something major, and still they are hesitant to associate it with vaccines. Hopefully parents will start getting educated and stop being naïve. So much harm is being done. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as they are very valid. Much appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read as well.

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