The Majority of People Will Never Question Vaccines, They Will Blindly Follow the Herd

in #vaccines6 years ago


The media you consume on a daily basis sets the stage for your life. Now is the time to stop putting yourself and your family in the position to consume and be educated by fear-based media. The majority of people will never question vaccines, they will just do as they are told and blindly follow the herd. Living in ignorance can be tempting and seems easy, but it is actually very dangerous. Not knowing the dangerous side effects of injecting your child with poisonous vaccines can cause a lifetime of problems, doctor visits, medications, sickness, and even death. Vaccines do not improve a child’s health nor do they provide immunity. If you choose to vaccinate your child/children, make sure you learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of vaccine reactions as there are several.

It is time to STOP being a society of followers and START using our common sense and logic. Open your eyes and take of the blinders. Stop following the herd and STOP being educated by fear-based media. Start with self-education. Start fighting for the truth and never give up!

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"Living in ignorance can be tempting and seems easy, but it is actually very dangerous." - wonderful point! All through the 80's, 90's, and 00's I was pretty ignorant, thank goodness I can see their lies now. I'm still working on restoring my body to what God intended it to be. Just years of poisons pump into you takes a while to flush out. Everybody wake up before its too late! Great post @sburton!

I can definitely relate as I was ignorant for many years as well. It feels good to be awake. Thanks for your comment as you make some great points as well in reference to restoring our bodies. Thanks for reading and for your support and input!

Thank you! I sent a voting bot to vote on this for you! They have way more voting power then I do. :-)

Wow, thanks for the support and thanks for reading!

We were those parents that just followed along because we didn't know any better. My oldest son was born in 2005 in Sweden as was given a fraction of the vaccines that they give in the US. We moved to the US in 2006 and had our 2nd child and he was given 3x the number at his 1st wellness visit (misnomer). Prior to that he had a well developed vocabulary. Shortly after his MMR he lost 90+ percent of his speech, developed eczema all over his body, had non-stop diarrhea, and began to drool nonstop. We didn't immediately do the math but began to research and discover the shocking truth. We don't go shouting from the rooftops about our experience, because quite frankly if someone calls me a nutcase to my face over it they would have hold me back from bashing their heads in. I do unleash the truth if I'm asked my opinion on the matter. People have to swallow small chunks of truth. If you bombard them with everything at once regarding the lunacy of vaccinations they will not digest it.

I ageee completely! It's all about self education!

Yes, so true!

I haven't made up my mind on the vaccine issue. I suspect it's like anything else there's probably a spectrum of good to bad.

However, what's very telling is that the pro-vaccine guys almost always refuse to debate the anti-vaccine guys.

For example

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