Let Food Be Thy Medicne...

in #vaccines6 years ago


People are fed by the Food Industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the Health Industry, which pays no attention to food. Wendell Berry

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. Ayurvedic Proverb

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison. Ann Wigmore

The doctor of the future will no longer treat human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. Thomas Edison

The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease, and once from the medicine. William Osler
We need to focus on the original cause of all disease: toxicity and deficiency. We have to detoxify and replenish the body as a 2-part system. Cat Aulakh – Holistic Practitioner

Nature is so smart, it put the medicine inside the food. Unknown

You are what you eat. So, don’t be fast, cheap, easy, or fake. Unknown

Every time you eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it. Heather Morgan

Medicine is not healthcare. Food is healthcare. Medicine is sick care. Let’s get this straight for a change. unknown

Leave your drugs in the chemist’s pot if you can cure the patient with food. Hippocrates

Picture Credit: pinterest.com


Great quotes! Go keto if you really want to keep those Rockefeller doctors away! Haha.

Great quotes! Go keto if you really want to keep those Rockefeller doctors away! Haha.

Thanks! Yes!

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