I Will NOT Stay Silent Regarding the Truth About Vaccines So That You Can Stay Comfortable

in #vaccines6 years ago

Wake up & smell the corruption.jpg

I will not stay silent regarding the truth about vaccines so that you can stay comfortable. I am a firm believer in self-education and informed consent. People still trust the medical profession and the government to look after and care for the people. The truth is so horrific it is difficult for most people to digest and believe.

The medical system is not focused on healthcare. Curing disease and illness is bad for their business but making us sick is making them rich! We must take our health into our own hands. Health is wealth. It is time for a change.

Vaccine injuries are NOT rare; however, they are rarely acknowledged. Cut through the fear tactics they use to sell vaccines by getting educated on them. Quickly you will see there is nothing to be afraid of except the vaccines themselves. Pharmaceutical companies create the problem, sit back, watch the spiral effects, and then create and sell solutions to the problems they created in the first place. Big Pharma is corrupt, twisted, sick, greedy, and very powerful!

Get educated. Get smart.

Make conscious choices.

Speak up to protect innocent children!

Vaccines are harmful!

Wake up and smell the corruption!

Photo Credit: http://www.anonymousartofrevolution.com


Yes, pharmaceutical companies absolutely create the problem, then they offer their fake solution. Its all the same people pulling these strings.

You are so right! Puppet masters!

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