What does it mean to be unvaccinated today? Macron makes his intentions clear for France

in #vaccines3 years ago

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The unjabbed people of France will from the 1st of Aug no longer be permitted to enter bars, clubs, restaurants, public transport & shopping centres over a certain size, unless they are rich and have a lot of time on their hands. Macron talked in his speech about the importance of freedom, explaining that as an alternative to the 'vaccine passport' (known here as a health passport) the unjabbed can still present an up-to-date PCR test upon entry. The small print catch however is that PCR tests are no longer free in France, now costing anywhere from €50-€120 a pop and they must be updated every 72h.

Anyone working in the medical industry must get jabbed immediately or face losing their job.

There has been a huge pushback from the people of France with protests erupting in every major city this weekend.

Once again the media inaccurately describe the protests as "thousands" when there were so many more people than this. Take a look at the above timelaspe in Paris, which looks arguably like over a million people.

Many of the protesters were vaccinated but they were still there to show their support because they do not believe it should be forced on people in this way. It is after all a dangerous medical experiment (which the Nuremberg Code is very clear about) so manipulating people to take it is a flagrant use of power and nothing short of evil.

That being said you can expect your government to soon impose on you something similar, if indeed you are not already experiencing the manipulation in another way.

To give you a quick example, my friends in Indonesia are currently getting jabbed or packing up their bags to head back to their home countries because you can no longer enter this archipelago without a 'vaccine passport', while you can (for now) still leave. But again, if you are rich this doesn't apply to you because diplomats & large business owners are permitted to fly into Indonesia without vaccine passports, coz yeah, covid doesn't affect the rich.

While over in the UK it was announced a few days ago that from Sept, PCR tests will no longer be enough to enter clubs or "crowded spaces", reserving such pleasures for the vaccinated only. Anyone with half a brain can sense this is just the beginning of a division which will continue to expand out from here.


Food is the ultimate control

The unjabbed people of France can for now still access a limited number of smaller sized food shops, but how long will it be before the fear levels are jacked up to the point where we are denied access to this most important aspect of our weekly shopping? I will hazard a guess at around six months. It will happen in the winter when the food shortages have begun and the government is 'forced' to offer rationed food only to those who have been jabbed.

At this point it will be too late to start a garden.

So I think you already know what I recommend you get on with during the limited freedom available to you this Summer. If you are unable to get seeds in the ground, make contact with local food producers. Stock up on tinned & dry foods at home and why not have a go at growing your own microgreens which are a simple and fast way to increase your daily nutrition?

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The Invisible Wall

If you are not already aware of what the fifth industrial revolution means I suggest you look it up because you will soon have to make a choice between two worlds. The jabbed will be permitted access to all the frills of this supposed revolution while the unjabbed will not.

Even now there is an invisible wall growing between these two groups because so many humans are living in absolute fear at this time and being around people who are not in fear makes them feel uncomfortable.

As an example, we live in a village of 300 people in the south of france (where not a single person has contracted covid) and just this weekend I mentioned to a vaccinated neighbour that Esteban had kept me up the previous night with a cough. She asked if we had tested him for covid and I responded honestly that we had not. I mentioned that the inventor of the PCR test himself said that it was not an appropriate tool to find viruses, but she didn't seem interested in this. She asked if I would be vaccinating or isolating my family and again I responded honestly that I would not. Because it's just a cough! She appeared highly concerned by my words and it turned out that later in the day she reported me to the village mayor! Thankfully our mayor chose to not take any action, but I am left with the distinct impression that this lady now sees my family and I as the enemy. So there we have it. A total lack of logic persists amongst the vaccinated.


Medical Industry Waking

At a wedding last weekend I met a nurse who told me around 40% of medical staff are currently quitting their jobs because they won't take the jab. Indeed, if any group of people are in a position to see this fraud, it is them. On the flip-side however this will do nothing good to the french medical system this winter when 'flu season' hits.

Over on decentralised video platforms I am seeing more and more doctors & nurses speak out. Even the inventor of the mRNA jab is vocalising his disgust at the way in which his untested technology is being pushed on people. He is obviously a naive man because he was confused when his YouTube videos were deleted and didn't understand why everyone was suddenly advising him to hire personal security. Indeed, pesky voices such as his tend to be silenced quickly, as the inventor of the PCR test found out shortly after he started calling Fauci a fraud.

Further to this I am getting more and more calls from people around the world who have made contact with doctors and nurses offering fake vaccine passports. They just run you through the system and do everything except the injection, for a price. So don't lose hope! There are many more awake people than the media would have you believe and perhaps you may yet sail around the world as you once intended.

Personally I don't care about access to shops or restaurants and I don't care about public transport or planes any more. I am exactly where I need to be with exactly the right skills to do what must be done. In time others will join us because here in the french pyrenees food grows in abundance and it will be easy to disappear off the beaten track while the world finds its equilibrium.

As always I offer you the chance to join my family & I on our mission to live freely in these mountains. Just drop me a line at [email protected]

It is apricot season at the moment and we have dried a bunch already. Later today we will be making jam!

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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