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RE: Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines7 years ago

Thank you for this post, very well researched and put together! I look forward to reading more.

Thank goodness my DIL's mom saw VAXXED before our grandbaby was born (she's on my back in my profile pic, napping on the sofa beside me now). That family was wavering but VAXXED sealed the deal and she's never been vaxxed!

Both my sons were vaccine injured early on and I stopped. I wasn't educated back then, I just didn't like the whole idea and hated shots.

In fact, I didn't realize they were injured due to vaccines!!! I thought one son just "got" asthma and the other one just "had a seizure"... which might have been a stroke? I never knew that. Ugh.

Thank you for speaking out and educating -- my mission as well. I'm glad I found you so quickly (just started on Steemit!) Blessings, I'm following you :)


You are welcome, and I am glad that you have found your way to Steemit.
It think that you will find a great community here.

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