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RE: Are you ready for the truth? VACCINES 💉 My first major topic for examination

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

It's sad that this anti-vax post has made $75 here. Sam is not a doctor, is he? By not vaccinating your children, you are not only endangering them but others.

The story of the invention of the polio vaccine is fascinating. It's difficult to imagine now how frightening polio was. It has been almost totally eradicated thanks to the vaccine. This film conveys the drama of the invention of the polio vaccine.


I respect your opinion. And I will never tell you what you should or should not be doing with your children. Indeed, Sam is not a doctor. Which means he hasn't been brainwashed by a medical education system financed by BIG PHARMA.

Just sharing what I have learned through years of research. Which did not involve reading studies/info produced by companies connected to mainstream media. For reasons which I assumed everyone understood already? I mean seriously, a BBC documentary???? I used to work for them, so I happen to know a thing or two about this particular company.

@jockey did a good post on this one a few days ago.

I had a quick look at your blog moments ago and noticed your last post was entitled "Freedom of Speech is the Most Beautiful Thing in the World"

Good to know you will be respecting my right to speak freely.

It's not MY OPINION that vaccines have saved lives, and that not vaccinating your children endangers them and others. That is a scientific fact. All you muster in defense of your stance is the charge of BIG PHARMA and the evil medical establishment. Believe it or not, someday you will need one of those evil doctors. This entire topic is ridiculous. It's like arguing with a Flat Earther. But someone had to say something, and no one else was stepping up.

You seem to have a lot of faith in the medial system. How is your health?

You will observe from my profile banner how my body looks at age 41, after 10 years of never seeing a doctor. These people are useful to me only in emergency situations. But have little knowledge of how to keep humans in optimum health. Since I went vegan and stopped taking pharma drugs, I never get sick any more.

I really don't understand what you have against the BBC documentary about polio. Do you think polio, which was a terrible scourge of mankind, just went away by itself- coincidentally with the invention of the vaccine? How can anyone believe that?

Please do some research on the natural decline of Polio prior to the introduction of the vaccine. I will dig up links for you if you like.

You do that! Please dig up links that show that polio would have "naturally declined" without the invention of the polio vaccine. How about smallpox? Same thing. It has been eradicated globally thanks to the vaccine. Are you saying it just went away all by itself? That is totally ridiculous.

You and your kids don't even have tetanus shots? I can't imagine living like that. Any cut or puncture wound could be fatal. I got a cut yesterday. Fortunately I did not have to get stitches or go to the hospital. But I was concerned enough to call a nurse. First thing she asked: "Have you had your tetanus shots?" If you get any wound serious enough to go to the hospital they will give you a tetanus shot, especially if you tell them you've never had one. What will you say then? But since the vaccine takes two weeks to work, it could be too late.

"Nearly all cases of tetanus are among people who have never received a tetanus vaccine, or adults who don’t stay up to date on their 10-year booster shots."

Are the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization part of some vast evil conspiracy?

Good to see we are still politely in conversation :)

I will get on that immediately and post all info with sources linked in the main article when it is done in a few days.

Did you read @jockey's post regarding our media system?

I did take a look at it. I don't really know what that has to do with vaccines. I have a degree in the History of Science. Vaccines have been around for more than 200 years. They pre-date modern media. Here is an interesting timeline of the History of Vaccines. You managed to reach the age of 41 and be healthy because of the eradication of polio, smallpox, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases.

The push for the eradication of polio is the result of Franklin D. Roosevelt being elected President here in the USA. He was a polio victim, and made it a priority of his presidency. This is a simple historical fact. FDR started "The March of Dimes" where people would contribute a dime to the polio cause. My Mom was involved with March of Dimes.

"Because Franklin D. Roosevelt founded the March of Dimes, a redesign of the dime was chosen to honor him after his death.[7] The Roosevelt dime was issued in 1946, on what would have been the president's 64th birthday." Roosevelt is still on the US dime.

Thank you for taking the time to read @jockey's article.

From my perspective it appears to have everything to do with this because the same people who own the media machine also have vested interests in the Big Pharma. So wouldn't it be logical to assume they use the media system to increase pharma sales?

A degree in the history of science sound like a very interesting degree to do. I imagine you must have enjoyed that.

I also have a degree, but since learning more about the numerous deceptions going on these days, I generally disregard everything I was taught. And I re-research the subjects until I feel as if I understand the arguments from both sides.

I will check your links now.

Appreciate you including them for me :)

The problem with your Media Machine/Big Pharma theory is that vaccinations were invented in the 1700's and "variolation" was known previously outside of Europe even before that. This not only predates Mass Media but also Big Pharma. Here is an in depth article on Jenner and the first vaccine.

"In 1967, a global campaign was begun under the guardianship of the World Health Organization and finally succeeded in the eradication of smallpox in 1977. On May 8, 1980, the World Health Assembly announced that the world was free of smallpox and recommended that all countries cease vaccination: “The world and all its people have won freedom from smallpox, which was the most devastating disease sweeping in epidemic form through many countries since earliest times, leaving death, blindness and disfigurement in its wake.”

No one gets smallpox vaccinations anymore because it was finally totally eradicated, thanks to the vaccine.

Every medical treatment has risks and rewards. There are possible bad side effects and even death due to vaccination. However the rewards and benefits outweigh the risks.

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