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RE: Compulsory Vaccination Is Against Swedish Rights - This Is Very Different To Forced Vaccinations Happening Elsewhere!

in #vaccines6 years ago

I feel like the government own our children rather then the children are actually ours.When we create a birth certificate we hand over their rights to them.Thankfully in the UK this compulsary vaccination has not happend yet ( and i say yet). There has been alot of research where children have an adverse effect on all these vaccinations.They are implemented not for public safety more to line the pockets of the big pharmeceutical corporations.

I feel like more and more we have no say over our children.Here in the UK we are unable to take our children on holiday in term time.If we do we have ridiculous fines and even crimimal conviction.But those family with low incomes can not afford to take their children during holiday periods as the prices get ridiculous.We are getting to the stages where we see our children less and less.Two incomes are required to live comfortably.Cost of childcare is ridiculous.But then if i choose to have children i want to raise them and not the state.

Its a catch 22 situation.Sorry for going off topic but i feel like its all interlinked.The core premises is Our children do not belong to us and actually we have no rights though they make us believe we do!

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