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RE: An interesting photo in the midst of the vaccine witch hunts.

in #vaccines7 years ago

I'm immunocompromised. This is extremely well-known information to the immunocompromised. Also, I've heard it on the news almost every flu season (usually the first week) for the last decade or more whenever flu vaccines are mentioned. You probably have, too. But it probably just doesn't register. Most people don't seem to notice it.

Another thing is that just about every flu shot clinic I've been to (no, not to get a flu shot, that'd be really stupid of me) has that exact information visible and/or hands it out, trying to make sure that the people with normal immune systems aren't stupid and seriously harm any loved ones that may be immunocompromised.


Nice to know you. Thanks for the comment. It has registered with me previously. My point is just that the MSM shame campaign aimed at those who opt to not vaccinate or selectively vaccinate paints a picture in which it is the unvaccinated "witches" posing a sole potential threat to the immunocompromised. The fear mongering is out of control, in my view.

I get it, I do. But, unauthorized medical experimentation conspiracies aside, herd immunity really is the most effective way to avoid spreading contagious diseases.

See, people should be able to stay home from school/work for several days after vaccinations to avoid infecting others. (Remember, infants have yet to develop much of an immune system, and they're too young to vaccinate.)

I know very few people actually care about infecting those that are immunocompromised, but they need to be reminded that very young children and the beloved elderly are also immunocompromised. (If only you knew how often I've heard things along the lines of, "Hey, if you're not strong enough to survive the flu, it's not my problem. You should die from it.")

When a successfully immunized person contracts that particular illness, not only do they really not notice it, but it's almost never contagious. And, live vaccines aside, even if a newly immunized person is fighting the "lesser" version of the disease and spreds it to someone immunocompromised, they don't tend to get as sick as they might've if they'd been infected by someone with the "full" disease.

Now, most doctors will tell you otherwise. But there are large communities/support groups with members that bother paying attention to vaccinations (a lot of immunocompromised people don't keep track of it, too much anxiety over an uncontrollable public situation), they'll tell you what I did. And...I'm more inclined to believe the people living with compromised immune systems than a general consensus of doctors that refuse to even entertain the possibility. The immunocompromised know their bodies extremely well. We're the ones that have to live in them, and suffer the consequences of other people's lack of consideration and/or ignorance.

Err. Sorry for all the rambling.

I really appreciate the ramble. More than you know. I have been wanting to hear from someone with actual perspective from the immunocompromised viewpoint here.

I think the what modern medicine calls "herd immunity" is largely destroying actual herd immunity and putting the elderly, immunocompromised, and infants in danger by stripping away placental protection and that antibody protection conferred via breastmilk.

We see now a generation of mothers unable to pass on this immunity due to vaccinations delaying and preventing the body from being exposed to/developing lifelong immunity (cellular immunity) to wild measles. Now people tend to get measles as infants or after the age of 20. These are the times when it is most dangerous.

Anyway, as an anarchist I do not seek to govern other people's lives, but think this conversation is well worth having. It is extremely interesting to hear your thoughts.

Well then, I am very happy to be of service, lol. Feel free to hit me up on medical/medicine/medications/alternative medicine topics. I'm well-versed in a lot, and if it's something I don't know much about, I'm happy to research it to expand my own knowledge. Sometimes I find really useful information that can be applied to other medical conditions, etc.


There are different kinds of immunocompromised. Even if I had been breastfed (I wasn't), I wouldn't have built up a proper immune system. What I have is genetic.

Lately, there's been a lot of talk about measles not actually existing, it's an extremely interesting topic. I highly recommend reading into it. (I haven't made my mind up on it yet. But reading about it is like reading a suspense thriller.)

I disagree with your view of herd immunity. This problem was starting to happen before vaccines were everywhere.

A lot of the shit chemicals in our food and water supply are what's causing a great deal of the problems you've listed. Those chemicals, which are consumed over and over and over contribute to cellular breakdown. (Fluoride is a huge part of that. How well do you know the origins of fluorinated water?) A huge part of our immune system is in our digestive tract. That garbage damages our natural gut flora. When your digestive system is thrown off too badly, the other parts of your immune system can start going batshit insane. Another major culprit is how sterile everything is. If you're not genetically immunocompromised, you form immunity through exposure. You need to get dirty. That's how you build tolerance to things.

Did you know that the reason why we have the urge to pick our noses and eat our mucus when we're young? It's instinctual self-immunization. By consuming the harmful bacteria captured in our mucus, we're both exposing our immune system to the bacteria to build a tolerance, while our digestive tracts render said bacteria harmless. (It gets digested without infecting you. In most cases. There are exceptions.)

It's the exact same thing with picking and eating scabs. In fact, eating other people's scabs was how they started preventing smallpox in some people.

Bonus info: I never really felt the mucus eating or scab eating impulses. Many people I've spoken with that were born genetically immunocompromised like myself also report having not had those urges as well. In fact, some doctors are starting to catch on and screen for abnormalities in children's immune systems if that behavior is noticeably absent.

Interesting!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit man. Super interesting.

My son picks his nose and eats the findings quite often. Just today I saw a little girl doing it at work and wondered "what on earth drives kids to do that?"

Followed your blog.

I haven't posted anything medicine related as of yet. Mostly because I'm on my phone (typing everything one letter at a time, that's why my replies take so long). I have been working on several health/medicine related articles though. And hopefully I'll be able to use my laptop for steemit soon.

Anytime you want to chat/have a question, feel free to tag me or come comment on one of my posts (even if it's unrelated to the post topic.)

Thanks for following me! I'm already following you. That's how I found this post of yours. :D

I know, this is obviously more Russian propaganda. ;-)

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