Are you part of the herd? If you haven't been branded, you must be defective. Cue the re-education camps.

in #vaccines6 years ago

Some people in D.C. need to wake up and realize a lot of us are never going to submit to mandatory vaccination. The sooner they learn that, the less we have to keep hearing their incessant whining about "herd immunity." Congressional hearings yesterday were continually interrupted by those who have actually been educated to the real facts about so-called "herd immunity." Some of the cattle are restless and seem to doubt the benevolence of those with the electric prods forcing them down that long dark tunnel.

(Image courtesy of

Sadly, I found this article on a libertarian website that usually stands for people's rights to do what they want with their own bodies, but for some reason, are convinced that letting governments inject people against their will is somehow a libertarian principle. Sad:

Here is an excerpt:

"In 2000, measles was declared eliminated in the United States, a major public health victory. Nationally, 91 percent of children younger than 3 are vaccinated for measles. But in some communities, the rate has been declining. In Washington's Clark County, where the outbreak is up to 65 cases, about 76 percent of kindergartners are unvaccinated.

Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, conceded that the pro-vaccine movements to counter misinformation campaigns have not been robust enough, despite the CDC’s efforts to provide the most 'scientifically accurate information to providers on the front lines'.”

Not robust enough, Dear Nancy?? Maybe you should roll out the tanks and carpet bombers?

(Dr. an earlier courtesy of I wonder if she helped with those vaccinations that sickened all those soldiers involved with "Desert Storm??")

And, of course, there is no chance that anyone with the government or Big Pharma knows where the rates of vaccination are lowest and might do something to "help" make the case for MRM vaccination IN THOSE RESISTANCE hot spots...No, of course not. Billions of dollars of profits would never incentivize someone a measles outbreak along, right? After all Measles were ERADICATED in the USA, remember?...(just another of many reasons to stop illegal immigration, I guess, huh?)

I'm sorry but anyone who thinks this full court press breaking out EVERYWHERE right now against vaccine freedom has nothing to do with The World Health Organization calling us one of the biggest threats "to human health," deserves to be vaccinated against stupid. Seriously.


We are being hammered with pro Vax propaganda and demonised for anti vax talk down here in Australia too, they get desperate when they can't control the herd...

Yep...getting close to stampede time.

That Rhino CPAC banned Laura Loomer and other patriots. The Rhino guides the herd along with the Donkey and others. It's important to yell at Trump about 5G and other things. Too many of the Always Trump Fans are too zombie couch potato asleep like leftist NPC SJW bots. Yeah, the reeducation camps are literal and also online as well.

Very perceptive, Joey. That is why I think we need a conservative party to break through somehow. The RINOs are WELL-FUNDED by globalists, and will never yield control of that party to real patriots.

Trump got by the RINOs. So, that is one. The RINOs are part of the swamp and Trump Zombies need to see that and get up and do more.

Naw...I think Trump is role playing. He's never really slowed down the RINOs or the neocons too much. He pulled out of Syria, for example, because they were ready to do that anyway, but he gets to play it up like he's not part of it.

Look at his interventionism in Venezuela for the real Trump foreign policy.

I'm going to continue to Write Trump and tell Trump to stop 5G and bad vaccines and big tech tyranny and geoengineering and Open Borders and other things. I'm going to continue to try to tell everybody and demand for more freedoms, to get freedoms back. Don't forget how Trump is deep inside the swamp. They're all lying to Trump. They're stopping Trump over 90% of the time. How can Trump do anything good at all if his own cabinet is stopping him? Would be better for him to be assassinated, Pence too, so that Pelosi becomes the President? If that happens, she would likely step down and let Hillary Clinton become the President.

Good to stay active and on the side of the right, Joey. I commend you.

Just remember, God does establish rulers and uses them for His purposes.

The TrumPence may be about to blow soon, anyway...

I favor optimism over fatalism. We live in a dark world and have to do our best with what and who we got.

It's not what we prefer, really, though. It's what God in His sovereignty decides.

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