Uh oh...Mandavaxxers...your silliness is shining through...AGAIN.

in #vaccines5 years ago

With every passing week we get more and more information as to the desgree to which the globalist cretins running western societies will go to enforce their "presumed right" to force YOU AND YOUR FAMILY to take whatever foreign substance they deem "necessary" into your bodies. We are also getting constant confirmation that pharmaceutical company profits are a close 2nd to this "full spectrum dominance" philosophy (over we poor sheople) as the driving force behind the push for total mandatory vaccination, without exception.

Check out this excellent new article detailing the HARD FACTS (inconvenient facts, even) that some of the biggest "sellers" among the 72+-vaccination SCHEDULE that the mandavaxxers want all children taking, DON'T EVEN WORK:


Here is a key excerpt:

"... more than a dozen senior CDC scientists anononymously put out a paper (the SPIDER papers) in which they expressed their concerns about the corruption within the agency, its complacency, and undue corporate influence on the published science. The revolving door that exists between these agencies contributes to the continued corruption. As an example, CDC Director from 2002-2009 Julie Gerberding became the head Merck’s vaccines division, which came with a $2.5 million annual salary and $5 million in stock options....

A study published in the highly authoritative Bulletin of the World Health Organization looked at recent measles occurrences throughout China and found that there were 707 measles outbreaks in the country recorded between 2009 and 2012, with a steep upward trend in 2013. 'The number of measles cases reported in the first 10 months of 2013 – 26,443 – was three times the number reported in the whole of 2012.' This is odd considering that since 2009 '…the first dose of measles-virus-containing vaccine has reached more than 90% of the target population'.”

There is so much more at the link that shows the entire VACCINE INDUSTRY is, in large part, a HUGE HOAX, simply designed to boost pharmaceutical profits. Please do take the time to go there and see for yourself.

Which, brings me to my next point. WHERE IS MAGA MAN on all this?? The President was a well known birther, vaccine questioner, even 911 skeptic....that is, until he actually got elected. He promised to appoint a commission to look into this blatant and obvious corruption, and even had hinted that RFK, Jr. would be the man to head it up.

Who got to him?

(cha ching...)

Please don't tell me that his GREAT AND MIGHTY DONALDNESS can be cowed and controlled as well? Say it isn't so...


Is so. Ain't gonna lie.

"We are heavily marketed with the idea that vaccines are completely safe for everybody, that they save lives, and that the science is settled."

Lew Rockwell.com is not thank God!

There needs to be more attention on this, so that people that have blindly followed the recommendations of these shysters and quacks realize they're being lied to and their children are being harmed by bogus injections of all sorts of crap into their veins.

This is such a horrible crime. Heads need to roll. I appreciate you staying abreast of this issue.


As always, my friend, I appreciate your excellent and informed commentary.

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