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RE: How vaccines changed our lives - vaccine induced injury

in #vaccines7 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so sorry your daughter had to endure that . Praise God she is better.
I have three children my first two were vaccinated but I spread them apart. My middle son got an extra vaccine and I am sure he has had some side effects due to vaccines of course nothing as drastic as your daughter's but he has horrible allergies.
The more I learned about the big deception that vaccines are the angrier I became. I decided not to give me daughter any vaccines but this took years of studying and reeducating myself to get the confidence to say no. We are brainwashed here and unfortunately it is my opinion that to a large degree the medical system here works on fear. The pediatricians say we must take our babies to the doctor continually for " well baby" checks. What I realized is it was just to weigh & measure then give another vaccine. I feel that they are conditioning the child and parent not to trust their instincts and take ownership of their health. So the result, so many people run to the doctor here at the first sign of anything slight fever, sore throat, etc. and most beg for an antibiotic. People have got to wake up and take back their own power.
Sorry to rant.


I don't mind the rant. I could rant for hours about the subject! And you are absolutely right that we've been brainwashed into thinking we're doing good for our children by doing this to them. I know my parents didn't know any better as we've had all our shots, but I believe they are more toxic now than they were when I was growing up and there are more now too. My son was never vaccinated and when I brought him to the doctor for a chest infection, the GP here immediately asked about his vaccinations, as if that has anything to do with a chest infection! She even rang the social services for that. Lucky for us, the social worker told me it's up to the parent to decide, but I know that in some countries that isn't even the case. Needless to say I changed doctor's office after that! And when it comes to medication you are right too. I am from Holland and there it is not very common for doctors to prescribe meds. But I live in Ireland now and here they run to the doctor for a runny nose! I have a friend here who almost died of a strep throat because the antibiotics didn't work, and that was because she'd been prescribed ab 5 times in that year alone! It's crazy! There should have been an instant when the doctor looked at his screen and seen that, but he still went ahead and let her take it. If she would have died of that, in my opinion it would have been manslaughter, but of course, a doctor hardly ever gets prosecuted for something like that. It's always some freak accident or another excuse, never their fault.

Yep, that's the first thing they ask for here too whether your going to the ER or a GP as if it is relevant to why you are there.
When my pediatrician told me you can't believe everything you read in Ladies home journal magazines about vaccines that was final straw for me. I told her I don't read those magazines! I decided to learn as much as I could about treating my health naturally. We don't take antibiotics or any of the other drugs dished out and surprise, my kids are really healthy. I've had my one son that suffers from seasonal allergies treated with acupuncture and herbs & he responds well. Now if I could just get him to keep his diet clean but he's a teenager.

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