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RE: Their Children's Names Will NEVER be on the VaxXed Bus - HEALTHY & UNVACCINATED!

in #vaccines7 years ago

Vaccinations harm people. Personal incredulity is one of the most common logical fallacies. Appeal to probability is also one of the formal fallacies. Please stop spreading misinformation. Reason is our guide not fallacy. Knowledge and use of reason is available to all. Fallacy is error or even deception.

There are superior technologies that do not suffer from the problems by which vaccination is plagued. Please do inform yourself.


To be more precise , Vaccinations harm somepeople. That is not a secret , every single potential treatment or medical procedure comes with potential side effects , But so far people opposing vaccines have failed to provide conclusive proof that their risk outweigh benefits , and/or there is a comparable way of stopping spread of infectious diseases .
Of course if there are superior technologies , they should be developed and adopted , but in the mean time this is the best we have

Everyone is harmed by this system.. Time are changing though more people are learning about this.

Thank-you James. Yes, I believe that every vaccine brings some level of harm. People are starting to realize this more and more, especially as the number of vaccines on the schedule keeps drastically increasing.

Would you mind elaborating what the system would be , and why would it need to be changed , seeing as vaccines do protect vast populations from diseases

That is a deep rabbit hole. Your probably detecting this by the tone in this post already - lol..

I think the easiest way is to understand it from a marketing point of view. Vaccine companies sell fear which sells vaccines. Then you probably recall how laws and politicians are influenced by kickbacks. You probably have an idea what I'm talking about.

So just put those together:

  • Just realize that those that profit from a system like this do not want this information to be public so they hide and distract us from it (or that will rain on their power and income).
  • Now remember again, this is being hid from the public so how much?? I have listened to many and learned to multiply what I was thinking by maybe 1000 times just to wake myself up.. Now you'll get a glimpse of the reality I see every day.

Realizing a harsh reality is actually very good. Don't think that facing something bad is the same as creating it in the first place. It is not, facing it is the way to change it.

Keep doing research and really question anything centralized and large (corporation, gov, etc). You may need to walk away from this and that is fine. But I recommend you hurry, we can see a real improvement in our health, economy, and environment the more people become aware of these things.

That is what makes them a good weapon..

If vaccinations are mandatory the onus is on the provider to prove they are 100% safe, or self defense comes into play. This is not even to mention that medical procedures that do not involve informed consent are to be considered war crime under international convention, in the form of the Nuremberg code.

Mandatory vaccination is an act of war against the biology of the individual.

The public's ignorance of other technologies is not my problem. If anyone tries to force vaccinate me under the fallacy of 'this is the best we have' then I declare eternal total war against them and everything they stand for. I have already spent over three decades trying to overcome a vaccine injury, and will not allow it ever again no matter what the cost to humanity.

"Mandatory vaccination is an act of war against the biology of the individual."

Amen! An offense against all that is good and right. Coercion and compulsion are fundamentally evil.



Thanks for the support. Sometimes, even though I know why I think what I do and would change nothing without better evidence and knowledge, I do feel like I'm out here on the fringes of self knowledge and realization, and it is good to know that I have not totally missed the mark.

Sometimes being dedicated to what is right is a lonely place plagued with doubt, but the doubt is more like too many mosquitoes, and not actual adversaries.

"And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." Matt. 7:25

"My ally is the Force" Yoda

I think I may have all to good an understanding of those lonely feelings... Out on the fringes, indeed... ;)

Hang in there! :D

Thank you, to you as well.

Probability of harm is a also a core part of determining wheter something is worth the risk

I have determined that it is not worth the risk to me. That is all that is required.

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