Response to Popular Pro-vax Propaganda Comic

in #vaccines7 years ago


A friend of mine recently tagged me in the comments section of a Facebook post, I am sure from a sense of concern and care. This is the second time I have seen this popular pro-government/big pharma vaccine comic, so I decided to address it nearly point-by-point.

No emotional attacks please, if you wish to debate or take issue with the following points, let's do so respectfully:

Here are all the points in this comic that are fallacious, misinformation, or misleading.

  1. If you check smallpox, polio, and measles mortality rates using government databases, the numbers show the diseases to be in steep decline years and years prior to the introduction of their respective vaccines. As even medical professionals will tell you, cleanliness and better sanitation were wiping out these diseases left and right. In fact, in many countries, the smallpox and polio vaccines caused/continue to cause spikes in cases and deaths.

  2. Edward Jenner was a failed scientist whose son became mentally retarded as a child and then died at age 21. He claimed himself that his first formulation did not provide protection. His son was likely vaccine injured.

  3. This is the real tell that this comic is a hit piece. Wakefield's case study did not claim that vaccines cause autism. It was a case study about certain gut diseases coinciding with autism and included parent reports which all case studies include. If you read it, THE PAPER ITSELF STATES THEY ARE NOT CLAIMING A CONNECTION. His partner Smith has since been vindicated and has had his license restored. This part of the comic is a blatant lie and this can be proven by reading the study. There's absolutely no reason to put stock in it after this, but I will try to hit the rest of the points.

  4. "Scientists aren't sure of the exact cause of autism, but none of them suspect vaccines." Another total lie. Compiled list: I'll also quote Julie Gerberding, former head of the famously corrupt CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Intervention) speaking back in 2008: "If you're predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism."~Julie Gerberding, then Director of CDC, CNN, Sanjay Gupta's "House Call," 2008

  5. Eating tuna is not the same as injecting neurotoxins intravenously.

  6. Lol at them saying aborted fetal tissues are not used to make vaccines. This is printed directly on the official inserts. People are just too lazy to read them.

  7. It is common knowledge, and easily researched via even official government and "public health" avenues such as the CDC and vaccine manufacturers databases themselves that vaccines cannot and do not provide lifelong immunity. They destroy true herd immunity by compromising the immune systems over the long run. Immunology understands this.

I think many people assume I have come to my decision not to vaccinate lightly, or that I am some sort of conspiracy theorist. When it comes down to brass tacks, I always find myself to be much more well-read on the topic.

How no conflict of interest is seen when vaccine manufacturers are on the boards of directors of government health organizations is beyond me. These companies, as per the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Protection Act, cannot be sued.

I also find it hard to trust an entity (CDC) that has been embroiled in scandal since the 1930s to the present. From 1930 - 1974 intentionally watching black people in rural Mississippi infect each other with Syphilis and telling them it was "bad blood." Even though the government organization knew, they provided no treatment. A whistleblower blew the lid off this in the 70s. As recently as 2013 another whistleblower surfaced regarding trashed data that allegedly connected spiked Autism rates in African American boys with early vaccination.

Information is being suppressed and outright lies are being pushed. When transparency in this arena becomes a reality, I may reconsider, if new information presents itself. Until then, I have done my homework. This silly comic is obviously propaganda for reasons delineated specifically above. People will continue to mock me for what they call my "Google degree," but poor and illogical attempts at marginalization ultimately do not sway me.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


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