
in #vaccines4 years ago

Australians chants, "We want freedom." Bill Gates Vaccine to attack Chromosome 8 in order to make humans retarded. Over 60% of businesses in 2020 permanently closed or bankrupt, this is worse than the 1929 Great Depression which expanded in the 1930's, 100+ million people are starving to death due to shutdown, we are murdering people each second we do not fight our overlords who are enslaving humanity, blood is on my hands, blood is on your hands, each second you are not sharing Alex Jones with people.

Trump Gamble

Playing with Covid Vaccine Chess is dangerous for Trump in 2020, even as Trump has the fake news where he wants them, Trump's real enemy is not really the press but the globalists behind them. So, Trump wages war with the puppets instead of exposing globalists who are the puppeteers.

What happens when they turn off Chromosome 8?

You become retarded. Vaccines to turn off chromosome eight.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Freelance writer from Oregon, taught English in Vietnam; filmmaker, artist, web designer, carpenter, historian, doctor, farmer, musician, developer, etc, etc.

Stretch out hands and go for the gold while you still can

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2020-09-17 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-17 - Thursday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-17 02:13:03.png
She can dance with her boobs. Meanwhile, Australians chants, "We want freedom."

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey

Sign up to be a poll watcher at


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Oatmeal High Council

07:12 PM - Telegram

Public property is not private property. I am against public property. I want to minimize public property as that violates private property rights. If I want to refuse service, if I want to remove you off my land, I don't want government to stand in my way, assuming I am not violating the private property of your actual human body and things relating to you, directly speaking and perhaps not too indirectly speaking.

The 1900's

Feel free to post anything relating to the 20th century, 1900-1999

@realDonaldTrump should debate Alex Jones on @joerogan - #cancelsonictwitter

Joe Rogan needs to interview President Donald Trump and Alex Jones at the same time.

Public Trafficking via Joe Biden

Covid Came From North Carolina 2015


Information You Can Gobble


You Are What You Eat


Learn English You Can Eat

English Teachers

01:07 PM - Hive

Mary, that reminds, I was teaching English in Vietnam. I like drawing too but I can't pole dance like you. I don't know German but I do love video games. Welcome to Hive.

For fuck's sake or for fuck sake?

02:18 AM - Twitter

If it's an idiom, an expression, meant to be lousy generic, "For fuck sake." Because like water, fuck is uncountable. You can't add an "S" to water if you're not Indian. Fuck is like the wind, you can't see but you know it's there.

Leave Britney Kanye West Alone

I smell college collusion


What kind of video software should you use?

12:50 AM - Steem - Steemit

Do you use OBS for your videos? I've used OBS on Linux. There may be better programs. I see some people use Stream Labs and/or Stream Yard and there may be others. I'll have to try some of these other programs. But keep up the good work with your videos in this information war and everything.


10:53 PM - Hive

You got it going on, you know your stuff. "The basics of a happy relationship consist in nurturing it everyday. " Mary.


General Shepherd

12:00 AM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Wednesday - 9/16/20

Over 60% of businesses in 2020 permanently closed or bankrupt, this is worse than the 1929 Great Depression which expanded in the 1930's, 100+ million people are starving to death due to shutdown, we are murdering people each second we do not fight our overlords who are enslaving humanity, blood is on my hands, blood is on your hands, each second you are not sharing Alex Jones with people.

Rebel Wisdom

04:00 AM - 05:00 AM - Making Sense of Sensemaking: Daniel Schmachtenberger, Jamie Wheal, Jordan Hall

Naomi Brockwell

11:32 AM - Kraken becomes a US Bank: HUGE news for crypto!

I heard there are Bitcoin satellites being launched.

Banned Video

11:42 AM - The Alex Jones Show Live

Watch out for the RINO freaks who are running as fake Republican conservatives for U.S. President in 2024, that is after Trump, the deep state in the blue and red political parties have been playing the long game, they're waiting, if they can't get rid of Trump, they wait for Trump to be gone. Trump leaves office in January of 2025. They'll be trying to sneak in fake patriots in 2024.


11:48 AM - LIVE: First Lady visits Hospital Honoring National Recovery Month 9/17/20

I do NOT wear a mask INSIDE stores. Take off your mask, Melania Trump.

Akkad Daily

11:51 AM - Trump Seems To Be Doing Pretty Great, Actually

Trump should expose vaccines.

Can Candace Owens answer that question?

The question this black guy is asking is partly a question over semantics.

Both Trump and the black guy are wrong in how they're framing things, they're both also not on the same page with each other either, not enough at least.

Of course, Trump could have answer the Black MAGA question.

When was America great for African Americans? The late 1800's through into the 1930's in some ways, there was a rise in black families, economically, black men were going up the ladder.

Late 1800's for blacks, that is when America was getting greater and greater.

America was improving in the late 1800's, after the Civil War, and globalists hated that.

@Ralph's Place, True, in some ways, it was peaking in the 1950's, but the welfare state in America was beginning to really rise more and more especially in the 1930's to eventually counter that peak.

@Suzuki Six, in some ways, things were a lot different 500 years ago, however, in some ways, things are still the same. It depends on a few factors.

Sign up to be a poll watcher at army for trump . com as over 100+ million fake votes will be countering Trump in 2020.

100+ million fake votes

Plus, many of the real votes for Trump in 2020 will be shredded, lost, burnt, destroyed, thrown away, ignored, etc.

Will you poll watch?

@Tounushi, peace, not pease.

@Woochinatchika Kokillibolinov, Antifa, BLM, etc, will be shooting, attacking, etc, voters, conservatives, etc, on election day in 2020.

They're trying every trick in the book to remove Trump and they will not stop.

@Tony Rotondaro, true but it's actually Trump vs globalists and not really vs Biden.

@Tony Rotondaro, but Despacito is a fun song regardless.


@Tony Rotondaro lol, i hear Despacito means slow but I don't know if that is true, but imagine a slow turtle sniffing necks.

Poll Watchers Unite


@Tony Rotondaro, i like the United Spot version retweeted by Trump, eff the police song instead of Despacito for Biden.

Record Election Day

Have your camera ready, election day.


Do Both

Election 2020 Stolen

Red Mirage 2020

They call it "RED MIRAGE."

RED MIRAGE means Trump didn't really win 2020, says the left.

RED MIRAGE is what they call it.

RED MIRAGE is already mentioned in articles, in videos, by the dems.

Be ready for the Red Mirage Scam.

Are you ready for Covid 2?

@make myday, they banned fire breaks in California in the 1980's, which is a big factor to forest fires.

Fire Break Ban = Forest Fire


Why are FOREST FIRES scared of state borders?

Hive . blog is decentralized.

Free Assange

Girls in the Kitchen

Snowden on Joe Rogan

Banned . video

Democrats are puppets.

Don't attack the puppets, go after the puppeteers.

Geoengineering causes forest fires.

George Soros Arsonists starts forest fires.

Smart meters start forest fires.

No fire breaks starts forest fires in California.

Gay Frogs

I do NOT wear a mask INSIDE stores.

@Mr. Cooper, i do not see Super Chat. Either he disabled it or perhaps YouTube did.

@KajenIII, be a poll watcher

Fight for your freedom or else.

Make a video, pass it on.

Write an article, pass it on.

Share this video on Twitter or else.

Do something or let your city burn in fire.

They will get you if you do nothing.

Stop traffickers but not private property rights.

When stopping traffickers, focus on stopping the source and not the symptoms.


Alex Jones

Melania Trump was wearing a mask today.

Ivanka is too left.

@nonstop, agreed, there should be no minimum wage from a federal standpoint.

Are you a poll watcher?


05:51 PM - Watch LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mosinee, WI 9-17-20

Poll Watchers Unite

watch polls in person on election day please

Are we ready for 2024?

Prepare for 2024

We can win 2020 but are we preparing for 2024?

What can we do to help 2024?

Private Property Rights

Save the 4th Amendment

Vote via mail and in person.

Voting by mail is good, but make sure it is counted.

Vote early by mail and then in person as a confirmation verification.

Left will try to stop you from voting in person on election day 2020.

Vote by mail.

Ready for Covid 2?

Forest fires caused by fire break banning.

Forest fires caused by geoengineering.

Forest fires caused by smart meters hacking, etc.

Forest fires caused by George Soros arsonists.

Army For Trump . com

Be a Poll Watcher

The other day, Trump said to a rally, "You guys all better be poll watchers."

Vaccines are bad.

100+ million fake votes against Trump 2020.

Dead people are voting against Trump 2020.

Many people voting multiple times against Trump 2020.

Many leftists will try to delete your votes for Trump 2020.

Take a photo of your vote, make sure your vote is counted.

I will publish my vote Trump 2020 on my online blog. I will make a video about it.

Publish Your Vote

Make sure other people don't vote in your name.

People will try to vote in YOUR NAME.

When you go to vote 2020, they may say, "YOU ALREADY VOTED."

They WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL try to steal your vote and vote on your behalf.


If you see a troll here, I guess I can remove or mute them, just let me know.

@Lynn M., thanks. Keep up the good work.

Lynn or somebody made me a live chat mod here, a wrench.

Lockdown is murdering over 100 million people in 2020.

People are starving to death due to the lockdown.

I do not wear a mask.

People should be allowed to work.

Banned . media

Don't get the vaccine.

Trump is wrong about vaccines.

Stand for what is right, even if Trump is not for it doesn't mean it is wrong.

End the Fed

Over 20 states may leave when Trump wins 2020, creating a new country for leftists, or they will at least try.

United Nations troops are in America and will try to create a new country when Trump wins 2020.

Watch out when the UN tries to split the USA.

We are the news.

Expose 9/11

Alex Jones

Ask Trump to go on Joe Rogan with Alex Jones

I want to see Trump debate Alex Jones on Joe Rogan.

Walls, Wheels, and Jesus

Trump: Vaccines. Pelosi: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VACCINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Biden 2020

Make America Hell Like Never Before

Bill Gates Sr, rest in, down there.

Many U.S. farms were under water.

COMB Your Forest or FIRE

@Jeannie Miller, you are right, check out OANN or IW

Where has Biden been? China

Tariffs can help because Rothschild.

My great grandma's washer lasted over 50 years.

Things were made and lasted much longer than they do now.

Buy & sell products but only if the products can last many many many decades.

ONLY buy high quality products, think LONG-TERM.

I have a garden

Where is your garden?

Do you have water insurance?

Water insurance means a water well, jugs, or a cistern. A backup plan. Filter and distill your water. SAVE your water.

@downscale and spread the word to others regarding backup plans, spread the love.

Be ready for blackouts, no power, get solar power devices for $50.

Buy seeds before they ban seeds.

Walmart tried banning seeds.

We need SEEDS.

Big Pharma, Monsanta, etc, try to ban and take your seeds.

Too many plants, foods, etc, do not reproduce SEEDS, but they should.

Masks violate YOUR 4th AMENDMENT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Masks are ILLEGAL

Many states in America in 2020 had Mask Suggestions, NOT LAW.

In Florida, it has been ILLEGAL to wear masks at certain places, meaning the mask thing violated those laws in Florida.

Find a lawyer, TOO MANY LAWS.

There may be many thousands of laws, it can be hard to keep track of them.


They WILL lie about your VOTE 2020

They will try to light your ballot 2020 on fire.

COVID was in North Carolina 2015

COVID made in a lab

Bill Gates already has the Computer Vaccine

Natural Remedies

Garlic is MAGIC

@Jackie C, big tech banned that video interview Tucker Carlson did with that scientist woman.

Covid19 mentioned in 2010 Lock-Step

Vote for Smaller Gov

Vote for Blockchain Transparency

@Jeannie Miller, Duck Duck Go

@Jackie C, and other doctors, scientists, etc, have been talking about the plandemic since early in 2020 and some even longer than that.

Start a Website

Make a Video

You can Make a Video

Write an Article

Share this video on Twitter & Facebook

Red Mirage Scam

Make a Parody Video

Make a Funny Video

I grew up in Oregon

BLM is Soros

@Jackie C, Amen, as long as we all do all that we can each day, absolutely.

Write on Hive . blog


Invest in cryptocurrencies

@Diamond-Dall DeVille, I know 1871 was the birth of USA INC but I didn't know about the depression that same year?

How do I fight Covid?


Build UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP your immune system.

Eat fresh food.

Only eat food that SPOILS, ROTS, DECAYS.


Vaccine is GMO

Start a BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG now now now now now now now now

Free Markets

Fight for the 9th & 10th Amendments


Learn how to EDUCATE people or else.

Patrick Bet-David sits down with MD Thomas Cowan to talk about health and medicine. In this clip they talk about the connection between vertigo and 5G.

Electrosensitivity is a thing you should investigate.

When there is an increase in radio waves, electricity, electromagnetic signals, etc, on our planet, millions of people would start to feel dizzy and this continues as they put up more cell phone towers, 5G towers, etc. People have been having these types of issues in the 1900's if not longer than that back into the 1800's as well to a lesser degree.

Bright Side

08:04 PM - What If People Lived Inside the Earth

Could humans survive underground? Not so long ago, astronomers discovered a planet that's about 33 light-years away from Earth. This makes it our next-door neighbor. The space body is only a planet candidate because astronomers haven't measured its mass yet. But they have high hopes. Just 1.7 million miles away from its star, it completes its orbit in a day and a half. It's a scorching, deserted world with the temperatures at the surface rising up to 1,000˚F. Even more astounding, the entire planet is likely to be covered in magma!

So, the question is, "What if Earth once went through some catastrophic event, and it left our planet in the same state: boiling hot, with the surface covered by a thick layer of lava? Would people manage to adapt to such conditions and move to live underground?" It sounds unbelievable, but experts are sure that with time, humans would turn into healthy and rather happy mole people! Of course, life would be very different than today...

There would have to be a way to filter down sunlight into the underground cities inside the planet using glass or other materials.

Some people do live in the planet right now.

Ryan Kinel

08:19 PM - RK3PO | Henry Cavill BACK As Superman, Gina Carano Stands Up To Woke Twitter, Mandalorian Drama

@Priness SmileyFace, Ahsoka didn't die in Revenge of the Sith, that was the same kind of alien but that character had a different name.

I don't want Ahsoka to die

Save Halloween

"My content is hot." Drunk

@Terminus Est ahahaha, in the voice of Will Smith from YouTube Rewind: "Now, that's hot."

General Shepherd

08:54 PM - The Alex Jones Show Thu 09/17/20 Full Show 720p

Playing with Covid Vaccine Chess is dangerous for Trump in 2020, even as Trump has the fake news where he wants them, Trump's real enemy is not really the press but the globalists behind them. So, Trump wages war with the puppets instead of exposing globalists who are the puppeteers.

Bill Gates Vaccine to attack Chromosome 8 in order to make humans retarded.

Kamala Harris is against vaccines.

Call Trump Quick

“And the best part about the ps5 is it has Netflix and that fighting game you like where you press random buttons”

Looks like a movie. I love Harry Potter. I would have to give it a try.

i only know a little algebra, wow, this must be rocket science

Is this a hollow chocolate Easter bunny?


Forgot to mention a nap yesterday around 09:00 PM or after that for like an hour or so.


11:24 AM - 2 Bananas. Coffee. Oh, mom is taking photos of how she makes tomato sauce step by step and texting those pics to Crystal. When they returned to the east on Tuesday, they were sent back with a spare small frying pan. Other things may be sent over depending on what they may need or can't find elsewhere. Mom mentioned adding certain items to her will to pass on to her children or whoever, like pots, pans, frying pans, and perhaps other things as well. It is very valuable to take pictures, video, notes, etc, in making how to do this books, videos, etc. How to garden. Cook books. The list goes on and on. It can be priceless for family to have, potentially for others outside of the family as well as some book authors write things for their children and those books end up being published and many people end up liking them. But you'd be surprise how a project can begin small and quite internal. But it can spread, it can go viral.


12:30 PM - 02:00 PM apx - Dishes for like an hour after vacuuming the house, taking out the trash, compost, recycling. Helped rebury a strawberry plant in the middle raised bed in the front yard. Air quality from the forest fires in Washington State, Oregon, and California, the west coast, is said to be improving, the fire smoke may be dissolving, going away with the wind when we do get wind from the west, the Pacific Ocean. On the news, on the TV, the lady mentioned how they argue over the timeline of a Trump Vaccine. That is silly, it only matters, if it was a good thing, to get it as soon as possible. But vaccines are bad due to what they put in them.

Photo Album Work

02:00 PM - 05:30 PM - Added more notebooks, specifically annual photo album books for 2004 to 2009, another album for 2010 to 2029, the last and current decade, the 2010's and 2020's. Making sure photos are in the right order. Worked a lot on the wedding near the end of 2008. After that, swept and mopped the kitchen.

Late Lunch Dinner

05:49 PM - 2 potatoes on soup. After that, some fish around like 7 PM. Worked on an article about family photos from the 1900's this evening and got it published. But the thumbnail failed to display. Restarted my laptop and it still didn't but then ten minutes or so minutes later, it started working, probably a server side issue and not a problem on my side I am hoping. Still watching ALex Jones at 11:00 PM. Eating some snacks from Monday and Tuesday.

2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon kayla JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell foxy Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo romania high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

Take the Trump Vaccine ahahhahaa!!!!!!!!!

Take Our Vaccines, eheheheheeeeee

I'm Going to Take My Piss Vaccine

Let's Never Ever Breath Again

Twitter banned @TheUnitedSpot1, the creator of the Joe Biden "F-ck the Police" meme that @realDonaldTrump retweeted. - Mark Dice

Hey Twitter, go delete the source the meme is based on.

Project Terminate Freedom

Tastes Like Freedom

After eating ice-cream, color me brain dead ahahaha.

Join the Army For Trump For Free

Vitamin C Does Wonders

Masks Are Bad

Purify Your Oxygen

Did AG Barr kill Epstein?

Have you ever heard of free markets?

The Blue States are NOT America.

OMG, I didn't know Kamala Harris was an Anti-Vaxxer.

Chris Rock was a U.S. President once in a movie.

Support Me

Stretch out hands and go for the gold while you still can

In Australia, they're chanting, "We want freedom."

Don't be Another Brick on the Wall. Kanye West Pink Floyd

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