A Simple Way To Remove Aluminum From Your Body After Vaccinations & Other Health Problems? Awesome! 🐴

in #vaccines7 years ago

I find the rise of vaccines and associated injuries very scary so it is a pleasure to write something positive about this subject here on Steemit and it concerns my favorite drink - water! 😄

This will be a short post but I hope an inspiring one that will encourage research and discussion that will benefit us all. I am sure that some of you have already heard about this but I had not. As this treatment involves nothing more than drinking water I see no harm in spreading this information.

I am not against the concept of vaccinations but I believe in free choice. I am also extremely worried about the rise in the number of vaccines given to our children and the number of vaccine injuries and the corruption used to cover them up.

This post is not solely about vaccinations though but about all aluminum injuries of which vaccinations are just one. The aluminum industry is a huge and powerful giant. They have a huge vested interest in keeping people ignorant of the dangers of aluminum and providing false information.

Think for yourself! 😉

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Aluminum Injuries

It is said that aluminum is the most abundant element in the earth's crust however it is an element that has only been mined heavily since 1940. It is now found in our food containers, pots, deodorants, vaccines, sunscreens, chem-trails and many other aspects of our daily lives.

Aluminum can be dangerous because at small sizes it can enter parts of the body and cause damage. Mainstream teaching and media contests that aluminum has a negative impact on our health but many independent researchers are starting to believe that aluminum may have significant dangers. Some of the afflictions that are being discussed concerning aluminum are:

The World Health Organization which is a very suspect body has admitted that 80% of all chronic degenerative diseases are caused by environmental pollution. Also let us not forget that a toxic byproduct of aluminum production is sodium fluoride which has traditionally been used as a poison but is now used to poison public water in many developed countries.

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The Opportunities For Curing Aluminum Damage

It is clear that humans have never had as much aluminum in our diets and lives as we do now. Perhaps this rise in aluminum absorption is indeed linked to disease. Now here is where things get interesting! 😉

Dr. Chris Exley of Keele University published a paper a few years ago published a paper detailing a simple method to remove aluminum from our bodies. Dr. Exley's study found that drinking water with a high content of silicic acid was able to successfully remove aluminum from people. The aluminum appears to pass harmlessly out of the urine.

Wow! A potential treatment for vaccine injury and aluminum health issues that you can buy in the shop? There is no money for the large pharmaceutical companies to sell that! 😉

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Types Of Silicone Rich Mineral Water

Dr. Exley's study helped to define several brands of mineral water which have a high silicone content. They are:

  • Volvic Water which although initially agreeing to work together has now reversed their position. This seems odd as they would only stand to benefit from increased sales of their product. Volvic however is owned by Danone which is a massive food giant and deeply tied into the corporate control of our world.
  • Spritzer Water a Malaysian water company which has not removed their support for this study!
  • Fiji Water

According to Dr. Exley the best results are to be had by drinking an entire bottle within an hour. I have always drunk a lot of water and for me a bottle an hour is no problem... especially when I am in Asia.

As I said earlier this cure involves nothing more than drinking water. Dr. Exley appears to have had some compelling results and I will be looking further into this. I will be most interested in hearing from any of you who have more information on this because I have many people who are close to me that are in dilemmas because their governments are forcing them to vaccinate their children without free choice or an acceptable level of education on the dangers of vaccines.

Here is a short clip of Dr. Exley discussing his research (sadly not on DTube 😉):

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jockey loves you All & Plants as Medicine! 😉
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @timcliff, @drakos.



Thanks @jockey for the informative post. My question is there a way to locally source for the silicic acid without lining the pockets of big corporations?

Excellent comment! I am not sure of the answer yet but I will look into it. I assume there is some way to do it and perhaps as this knowledge spreads more products will become available. If I find something I will let you know! Followed and UPvoted with pleasure! 🦄

thank you @jockey.that would be awesome.I have followed you as well ))

i suffer from heavy metal poisoning. I was a painting contractor for 30 and I think if upon my death my liver is squeezed, white aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, lead and acrylics will come out. So yes, I drink a fresh organic lemon tea every morning along with lots of water during the day.

You poor thing. Look into the silicone cure. The results seem to be compelling! Please let us know if it helps! Exercise, good diet and an understanding of natural healing and I believe we can cure most things! 😀

I'll google silicic acid and see what pops up. Yeah, it's been 20 years of diminished health and mental function. Ready to be done with it. Thanks again.

I am a big fan of herbal tea. Dandelion and milk thistle will help clean and protect your liver. Water fasting with distilled water has been amazing for cleaning my body. I am also a huge fan of colloidal silver! 🦄

That's very interesting. I'll look into the mineral waters available in my country, see which would be best! Thanks!

You are most welcome! Let me know what you find! 😀

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