RE: How to Make a Decent Profit off of Anti-Vaxx retards on Steemit
kind of true, but I'm not really talking about vaccination in this post. It's more about the platform of steemit and how easy it is to get circlejerks like anti-vax, flat earth, chem trails, blah, blah, blah.
All it does is frighten normal people away from the platform, same thing with this post. Whales have too much power compared to everybody else, and many of them such as kafka are easily triggered and overly emotional.
It's like the power tripping mods on reddit but for the entire site.
Additionally, you might notice how these people tend to overvalue a steemit account. Honestly I or anybody else can just create a new account within 5 to 10 minutes and start fresh. Plus if you actually bothered to follow my 'guide' you might even be able to earn more money than you would with a tainted account regardless of content quality.
Personally, I think that this type of behavior will be what leads to the downfall of steemit.
Edit: honestly rep means absolutely nothing.