Pennsylvania senator to introduce resolution calling Congress to repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

in #vaccines6 years ago

Pennsylvania senator to introduce resolution calling Congress to repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

This is great news. WE ARE WINNING!!! We are coming for you Paul Offit and the rest of you sick and depraved greedy money hungry Nazi Eugenicists that have invaded our free country.

Next time your nurse or doctor tries to coerce you into getting your child vaccinated, tell them this:

So you want to inject my baby/child with toxic poisons and cancer causing agents and then have the audacity to call yourself a healthcare physician???

And if they try to rebuttal you with some regurgitated pro vax bullshit they've been programmed to say like the Big Pharma sales reps they are, hit them again with more! Tell them:

Name at least 5 ingredients in these vaccines. And show me the past 32 years of testing that has been done.

Your doctor won't be able to do it because your nurse/doctor is nothing more than a vaccine sales rep for Big Pharma. We don't have healthcare in America. We have Nazi Eugenics. CONTRADICT AUTHORITY!!! Doctors put greed and their careers before you and your child's health everyday in this country. That is the TRUTH!!! The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters have spoken! We hate ALL tyrants! Including these sick Nazi Eugenicists that want to harm are children all for the sake of a profit.

We can't have a cure for anything until we have a cure for greed!



You can view past vaccine rants and information here:

US Government loses landmark vaccine lawsuit.


Stay Un-Tune-Ed

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"Pennsylvania senator to introduce resolution calling Congress to repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act."

Oh this would be a huge step for our survival and freedom. However, it will not be allowed. Once these sickos have control over something, they don't let go. The NWO doesn't take no for an answer. They will kill whoever gets in the way. They will protect this very successful eugenics program at all cost.

Good point, but we are winning. These fuckers are losing at a phenomenal rate now. It is only a matter of time before SHTF. It is getting exciting! If something bad happens to Del Bigtree or even this senator we will know it was Big Pharma. Just like they have killed all these holistic doctors over the past decade.

Oh absolutely!! Many many people have died over this. We are also winning in that people are saying "No" to their doctors. Humanity is winning some battles on this but not the war. The people need to win this ourselves, not our representative. We need a "Just say "No"" campaign of our own.

As much as I hate politicians I will say it is good to see one of them waking up and actually coming out and saying to repeal the vaccine act of 1986. That is why I posted this. I was just as shocked as anyone else hearing this. Shitizens are too stupid to say no. I commend any parent smart enough to resist and NOT get their kid vaccinated. The best thing we can do is give our doctors shit about this till they back off cutting all ties with Big Pharma. Slowly but surely it is happening.

I'm with you, we can't have enough help on this and a politician stepping up is huge. Yes, slowly but surely. One of these days a child of a politician or two will be gravely injured.

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