
Did you even read the article?
People aren't and weren't dying of measles in North America or countries with good infrastructure and good food available.
You are talking about people who are malnourished and/or living in filth.
That doesn't apply to me or my children.
I've had the measles-- it's not Ebola.

" During the 1950s an annual average of greater than 500,000 cases of measles and nearly 500 deaths due to measles were reported in the United States. Surveys indicated that 95% of the population had been infected with measles by the age of 15 years. The introduction of measles vaccine and its widespread use, which began in 1963, has had a major impact on the occurrence of measles in the United States. Reported numbers of cases, deaths due to measles, and complications of measles (e.g., encephalitis) have declined dramatically." Source:

When someone is already gravely ill or immune compromised practically ANYTHING can kill them, even a cold. It's not fair to blame the normally harmless childhood illness of measles for being a killer.

500 deaths a year is nothing to get hysterical over, when you consider the HUGE population.

But I digress, let’s compare measles death rates in 1963 to other death rates in 1963.

In 1963, there were about 450 deaths from measles. Meanwhile, about 12,000 people died from stomach ulcers and the likes. Just over 43,000 people died from car accidents in 1963. Over 700,000 people died from heart disease.

In 1963, you were more likely to be one of the 9200 people murdered that year than to die of measles. If you were born in 1963, you were more likely to die from a congenital disease than from measles. In 1963, it was about 46 times more likely for a child to die from a congenital malformation than for someone to die from the measles.

Frankly, in 1963, you were about 46 times more likely to kill yourself than you were to die from measles.

Shouldn’t we be putting our efforts into things that are far more dangerous than measles?

Every year in the United States nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) kill 16,500 people through gastrointestinal complications. [39] Secondhand smoke kills 42,000 nonsmokers.[40] Hospital-acquired pressure sores kill 60,000 people. [41] Hospital-acquired infections kill 100,000 people, [42] and one study estimates there are as many as 400,000 premature deaths from preventable medical harms associated with hospital care [43]. The odds of dying because of medical harm associated with hospital care is 1 in 790 – a far cry from the 1962 chance of dying from measles at 1 in 457,000.

And just because there is a benefit does not mean that there isn't a risk. The risk factor for the measles vaccines is outrageous compared to the actual measles. You are much, much, much more likely to die from the measles vaccine than from the measles.

Oh, I give up!