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RE: Their Children's Names Will NEVER be on the VaxXed Bus - HEALTHY & UNVACCINATED!

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Please vaccinate your children. Not only are you putting your own children at risk, but you are putting many others at risk by threatening to fall below the necessary herd immunity threshold to keep everyone safe.

Vaccines have saved billions of lives. Stop spreading FUD over isolated stories of minor downsides. The upsides far outweigh the downsides. An example of what happens when people stop vaccinating their kids is the Minnesota Measles outbreak of last year.

I hate to break it to you, but scientists know far more than you about this and you are putting many people at risk with this dangerous advice.

edit: I rarely full upvote my own comments, but I want to bump this up the list as high as I can because I believe there are many misinformed and biased parents posting dangerous advice above me and I need to do my part to help as many people as I can.


With out being rude, @daut44, it is my responsibility to protect my children, not yours. I believe, after already having a child injured by vaccine's, that it is not worth risking the rest if my children. Immunocompromised people are in and out of hospitals and clinics, and are around many unvaccinated and very sick people regularly, why would my unvaxed child be more of a risk to them?

Did you know that some vaccine's shed? Meaning that there is a very real possibility that it was actually a vaccinated person who started the outbreak. I believe there was an outbreak at a university recently, which was among all vaccinated students, but the media kept that part quiet.

Vaccine shedding is a debunked myth. The only vaccine that shed was the live polio vaccine, and that actually helped immunize more people in the 1950s, and only rarely did it actually infect others. No other vaccine has been known to shed.

Please stop using the availability heuristic and reading on pseudoscience websites that give dangerous advice that harm more than just your own children. Do not allow the immunization threshold to fall below 95% and threaten herd immunity because you were too stubborn to trust people who dedicated their lives to scientifically studying this rather than spreading fear through the use of isolated stories.

I'm sorry that your child suffered pain, but I doubt it was caused by a vaccine, and even if it was, the injury pales in comparison to the devastation the diseases spread to those who are unvaccinated cause. Please please please listen to scientists, the vast majority of licensed medical physicians, and all the smartest people you know outside of your ignorant bubble and vaccinate your children. You are playing Russian Roulette with more than just your own family.

Wow, you are more igorant than I thought it possible to be and still draw breath.

Enlighten me

If enlightenment were possible for you it would have already happened. Do what I do, use the Trivium and go out there and try to prove yourself wrong.

I read your comments, you are already deeply indoctrinated. The only person who can possibly convince you at this point is you.

Translation: I'm talking out my ass and because you don't support my belief I will call you wrong

I don't care a whit what you call me. Speak to the facts or stay out on the porch, the big dogs are attempting to understand how the world actually works, dogma be damned.

Me not supporting your belief is not my issue. Your beliefs are your own problem. Belief is not reason. I'll side with the facts and knowledge.

This. I asked for enlightenment, I googled around and the best possible anti-vaccination argument I could find is that 1 in 1,000,000 people die and 1 in 20,000 people has some side effect. But if nobody had vaccines the risks are much much higher.

I understand the game theory, if every other person vaccinates, then maybe it's in my best interest to not vaccinate because it could increase my survival EV, but if enough people think like that, everyone loses. And the more people you convince to not vaccinate, the more you should want to vaccinate.

I looked around and could not find a single alternative or argument that outweighed the benefit of vaccines. I laid out my case and it has not been refuted by anything other than "you are ignorant" "you are the only one who can cure your ignorance". I suspect the response will be something like "grumble grumble main stream media grumble grumble", to which I'll reply, are you a follower of Putin who sows distrust in the media for no reason?

It is not my business to endlessly refute nonsense. If you can't even do more work than a little 'googling around' to convince yourself then it is not worth my time. I prefer to converse with those who wish to add to understanding and not those who only seek spread the dogma they've accepted as truth.
Try putting thousands of hours over years into the study and see what you come up with for an understanding.

I googled it, seriously? What, did you spend five whole minutes?

It's funny how you are the one spreading FUD, and are accusing others of doing what you can't stop doing. Are you a student of Lenin perhaps? Please pull your head out of the past, and face the future. Stop trying to foist your baseless fears on others.

CNN and Washington post are about as far from credible sources as can be got.

The only reason there aren't more severe and worse outbreaks is because enough informed people know how to use sanitation and hygiene along with a healthy diet to not become immunocompromised enough to become vulnerable to out of control infections. Poisoning healthy people to save a few unfortunately immune deficient people is not a solution.

Predictable your main attack is to put seeds of doubt into legit news sources while you probably get your information from pseudoscience blogs and frightened mothers that heard a fourth hand anecdote through her yoga class or followers of the doctrine of Alicia Silverstone and Rob Schneider. So it appears you are a student of Putin?

Ridiculous, your attempt to hold up totally discredited 'news sources' while making false assumptions and assertions, with absolutely no evidence, that I am following actors and Putin is a transparent ruse to discredit me while you won't look into the subject any more than a 'little googling around'.

I'm with the Russians? Ha! Do you guys have any other arguments? You do know that the cold war is over, right?

If you are genuinely interested in learning I'd even help, but right now, as I see it, it would be a waste of time.

Alicia Silverstone, Rob Schneider, and Russians. wow, so for future reference, the Russians did it, and Alicia Silverstone and Rob Schneider helped is not an argument unless you have evidence. If you leave that part out you might convince someone to share your beliefs, but it won't be me. You've completely discredited yourself now.

You said I followed Lenin because I trust in science and progress. I compared you to Putin for claiming CNN and WaPo are not legit news sources. Try to keep up bud.

And maybe if you put forth, I don't know, a single source that tries to prove anything legitimate you have against vaccines or any peer-reviewed studies done on alternatives to vaccines I would give your responses some credence. But as is I can only compare you to other bad actors (double entendre intended) that spout bullshit based off anecdotal stories with no science to back them up.

And given your lack of substance in any statement you've made, the only thing I can assume you've put thousands of hours into is inane trolling on the internet. It's been fun, stay stupid.

I asked if perhaps you are a student of Lenin because of Lenin's statement that, "accuse others of what you do". I find no science or progress in your comments, only conjecture based on 'news sources' which have made every effort to discredit themselves. Try to keep up bud. I watch and read these occasionally to practice logical deconstruction. Where did you get the idea that they are credible?

You are the one making bullshit claims that you can not back up. I save my valuable knowledge for those who are not willfully indoctrinated.

Peer review is clear appeal to popularity, genetic fallacy, and appeal from authority, and then finally, we are back to you making assumptions.

If you learn to reason it could be worth my time to engage you with facts, but where you are right now is an unreachable place from the land of logic.

I save my valuable knowledge for those who are not willfully indoctrinated.

= they don't exist. All I needed to know, could have saved me 5 minutes of replying to you by saying that earlier.

I wish my upvote where worth more , im really bummed people are using steemit for things likes this , and it only gets amplified and even rewarded with money , with the comments presenting counter points and real arguments being disregarded

The truth is pointless to fight. Vaccines are an archaic technology that harms many without demonstrably useful results. There are better ways of dealing with health than injecting oneself or one's children with poison and debris from deliberately concentrated diseases. Please learn your way out of the trap created for you.

I couldn't believe this post and comments were real when I found it on the trending page. Maybe I underestimate my own echo chamber because I was unaware anti-vaxxers are still a thing since the autism link has been fully debunked.

Why is it that the ignorant always are to be found reflexively repeating "debunk, debunk, debunk" like a dog humping the air? If you would spend more time informing yourself instead of endlessly repeating the archaic nonsense you've been taught, humanity might eventually have a future, but you've made it this far without learning a thing, so I guess it shouldn't be expected.

Inform me then.

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