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RE: 3 Siblings get Hepatitis Vaccine on Same Day ... AND all 3 Have Severe Reactions Immediately (Christine in New Jersey VAXXED STORIES)

in #vaccines8 years ago

I fully support the right of parents to decide when and if vaccines are appropriate for their children. However, I believe the risk of not getting vaccines is greater than the risk of getting them. I believe statistics back that up. Anecdotally, my four children have all been vaccinated with no serious ill effects. The same is true of all of their friends and every other schoolmate I am aware of. I understand this hardly matters if your child was negatively affected but starting from a position of not knowing what is going to happen, getting the vaccines is the path of least risk. Observe, spread out the vaccines as much as possible and take whatever other precautions you think prudent but I think to advise parents to not vaccinate is doing them and their children a disservice.


In this article/video you will see that even after 3 of her children had severe reactions all on the same day, the Doctor yelled at the mother for blaming the vaccines and for having doubts about vaccines for her children.
Every pharmaceutical has side effects, and those side effects may only happen to a small percentage of users. Yet doctors will usually tell you to let them know if you experience any so that they can stop that medication. How come this is not true for vaccines? Doctors are willingly letting a certain percentage of children be harmed by vaccines and not even acknowledging it. That's great if your children appear to have suffered no damage. But it does not negate that quite a few are damaged and dead because of vaccines.
Nobody is ever allowed to sue vaccine manufacturers, no matter how negligent they may have been in the manufacturing process. Just recently a vaccine manufacturer was allowed to keep using a lot that had shards of glass in it!!! It's as if vaccines are so perfect and life saving that they can never harm even when glass shatters into them!
It is a Vaccine Lottery. I'm not willing to play that game. I don't think anyone should play that game, unless they at least understand the risk and how nobody will take responsibility if something happens.
You can read my earlier post a week ago about how corrupt the CDC is. They add more and more vaccines to the schedule NOT for Public Health, but for their own pocketbook. If you can't trust the CDC, why take the entire vaccine schedule?
Go ahead and research individual vaccines, and get those vaccines if you really want to -- on your own timetable and terms. But don't trust the general recommendations of the CDC.

Yes, everything in life carries some risk. You can go into anaphylactic shock from using a tampon or die from a bee sting or have an allergic reaction to an antibiotic or even peanut butter. The list goes on. The only point I am making is that if you simply look at the statistics, getting vaccinated is better than not. If many parents decide not to vaccinate their children you will start to see a reoccurrence of childhood diseases that have largely been eliminated (e.g. mumps). These diseases don't have a high incidence of death or other permanent effects but it is much higher than that of vaccines. The example you provide is the very rare exception, not the rule. Not getting vaccinated because you fear the effects is a bit like going down the highway at 80mph and not wearing a seatbelt because it might kill you in an accident. Sure, that has happened but they save more than they kill.

Also, you should develop a good relationship with a doctor you trust. Not a jerk that doesn't listen to your concerns. Doctors are just people like everybody else. I went to high school with a couple people who became doctors. They don't support vaccination because of brainwashing by the CDC. These are intelligent people.

Vaccine Injury is NOT rare. That's why I'm posting these stories, so that people can see just how common it is. I heard and seen it from my real life friends. And I have been following the VaxXed Tour -- they travelled around the US in an RV and in only a few months had 4,700 vaccine-injured people sign their names on "the bus" as they call it. They filmed many, many interviews with families of the injured and the injured themselves. They have several pictures on the bus of the R.I.P. (dead) children.
Vaccine Injury is VERY COMMON.
You may not recognize it because you haven't learned to recognize it.
I encourage you to listen to and/or read a few of my previously posted "Vaxxed Stories"

I do thank-you for commenting and I am sure that we both want what is best for the children.

Do you have a source of a scientific study that shows vaccine injury is very common?


This Medical Ethics Professor/Physician may be able to answer some of your questions about how common vaccine injury is.

Dr. Moss has taught Medical Ethics for 25 years at West Virginia University School of Medicine.

He is a practicing internist, nephrologist and palliative care specialist. He won the American Association of Kidney Patients 2015 Medal of Excellence.
Medical Ethics Professor in West Virginia shares his concerns surrounding VACCINE SAFETY and EFFICACY

You are making assumptions that just aren't true. I don't put my faith in the CDC or the pharma industry, etc. I put my faith in the many scientific studies that test the effectiveness and safety of vaccines (some of which I have already linked to). I am not denying that some people have bad reactions to vaccines or that for a relatively small number of children it may not be a good idea to get them. But in general, the risk from vaccines is smaller than the risks of the childhood diseases they prevent. It is important to remember that correlation does not equal causation. In the "thousands upon thousands of parents" that are speaking out, I'm sure that some cases are legitimate and accurate. However, I am also sure that not 100% of them are. How many of them are accurate (i.e. there assumption that it was the vaccine that caused the problem is true)? This is the problem when you are going by anecdotal evidence as opposed to scientific evidence. I evaluate the evidence and make my judgements based on the best evidence available. If I am going to go by anecdotal evidence then I will trust my own, that of my children, that of all their friends and everyone I have ever known over unproven or unsubstantiated stories from people I don't know on the internet.

You are making some rather big assumptions about the harm vaccines are doing compared to the disease. You cannot say whether or not children that appear to have suffered no harm have actually been given an increased chance of cancer, an impaired immune system, damaged intelligence....the list goes on endlessly. Given the prevalence of brain and gut damage caused by vaccines, given the fact that vaccines contain toxins capable of damaging DNA, given the fact that no science exists regarding the interactions between vaccines in the schedule over the long term and the plethora of other environmental toxins we are all exposed on Earth could you possibly believe with any confidence that all vaccinated children are not being impaired in some way?

But you are making completely unsubstantiated claims and far larger assumptions than I am. We KNOW the harm the diseases do and we KNOW life expectancy has only increased. The "prevalence of brain and gut damage caused by vaccines". Show me the statistics that back up your claim. The best data available indicates vaccines do more good than harm. Show me the data that says otherwise.

I'll tell you what I know for a fact. Some children are killed and some are horribly injured by having vaccines. It is impossible to know which children will die or be harmed by taking a vaccine. So rather than risk the possibility of contracting a childhood disease which the vast majority of healthy children in a modern setting will fully recover from, you would have me play russian roulette with my child?

I know that pharmaceutical companies have falsified data and that they have a financial incentive to push vaccinations and no accountability if that produce

I know that the science for short, medium and long term side-effects of the vaccine schedule and other interactions have not been studied at all. What lunatic would go injecting babies and children with numerous concoctions of untested chemicals over several years without having the first clue about the effects? And i don't just mean visible effects.

I know that the pharmaceutical company's science and production methods cannot easily be held to account because of corrupt regulatory agencies and ridiculous laws protecting them.

But look, i'm happy to acknowledge that your perception and calculation of risk is different to mine. Best of luck.

It surprises and saddens me how casually you will accept the russian roulette of vaccines and compare that to infectious diseases. There are many ways you can help a child's outcome when taking the natural risk of infectious disease (which incidentally is acquired through natural means, engages the immune system in natural ways and conveys more complete immunity.)

In addition, if you allow big pharma to continue to push russian roulette medicine on children, why would they ever change. If no-body took the crap vaccines they peddle, how long do you think it would be before the science was forced to improve and vaccines were made safer with less consideration given to profit?

If the true scale of damage now being done by vaccines was known, I believe it would amount to one of the greatest medical frauds ever committed against humanity.....up there with the cancer industry fraud, cholesterol/statin fraud and sugar industry fraud. But what do I know.

I completely agree with you, a very good debate with passion and courtesy. I would gladly discuss anything with you. Your challenge of my opinions is extremely important to me....I must be open to the possibility that I am wrong or learning new information. Also, we are all in this together and we must understand each other's perspectives if we can ever hope to deal with the fallout of issues like this with compassion and empathy. I truely wish you well.....ultimately we are the same, we want to protect all children from harm. Until next time then :))

It surprises me you think there is anything casual about it. I've posted my reasons. I've posted a link to scientific studies illustrating my point elsewhere. I have four children I love very much and there is nothing casual about decisions I make that could affect their health. Vaccines carry risks and childhood diseases carry risks. I have read much about the issue and debated with others about it in the past. I have come to the very informed conclusion that childhood diseases are generally more risky than vaccines. You have looked at the same evidence and obviously come to a very different conclusion. It happens. Except for the comments of 'bah' I believe this has mostly been a respectful debate and I think that is a positive thing even if we don't agree.

Take your first paragraph and swap "childhood diseases" with "vaccines" and it is still accurate. The difference is that if everyone today stopped taking vaccines, the best evidence indicates that far more children would die from those diseases than die today from vaccines. You play Russian roulette whether you give vaccines or not. There are just more bullets in the chamber if you don't and the number of bullets increases for everyone the more people refuse to vaccinate. Like I said, I believe everyone has the right to decide for themselves, I just think the smartest thing to do is use the best scientific evidence available over anecdotal examples.

Actually, most doctors ARE brainwashed by the CDC. They follow everything that the CDC recommends without questioning. Most doctors have only studied a few pages of vaccine information and are NOT well-informed.

Please look at this article I did a few months back -- it is about 2 pediatricians, who in the beginning say how they refer to the CDC manual regularly and follow their vaccine schedule. But after they were presented with hundreds of pages showing Fraud at the CDC related to vaccines, they changed their minds completely and say that they can't trust the CDC's recommendations anymore. In fact Dr. Ross no longer vaccinates her own children.

Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD

But the two doctors you single out are not representative. Just like the rare cases of bad reaction to vaccines are not representative. This is the fundamental problem with your argument. Most doctors are smart people who study hard for 6 years or more with residency on top of that. They are not (typically) the type of people to blindly do anything. If the above doctors did that then I don't trust what they say here either.

Your faith in 'doctors' is very worrying. Perhaps you can explain how the gigantic cholesterol and statins fraud was perpetuated if 'doctors' are so smart. I know several exceptionally bright and talented doctors who are now questioning what they thought they 'knew' about vaccines. The evidence that vaccines are disastrously flawed, that children are being horrifically damaged, that epic corruption and greed is the cause is undeniable.

Just 2 cents: IMV as soon as you declare "It's common sense" you stopped thinking in terms of science.. Just break it down one more level and you'll find a better version of truth (what ever that may be).

I hope you keep thinking about this though, here is my view today. After seeing charts of heavy metal related diseases, I am finding that some level of serious damage (loss of IQ especially in males) is not the exception it is the norm. We are being seriously duped the the CDC vaccine company on both: the effectiveness and the safety. So although I can not link the disease rate charts 100% to vaccines, I can feel comfortable labeling them as very high risk and highly suspect. Vaccines need to be publicly scrutinized (the so-called super powers are not doing it) so we can expose the dis-information and get to a better truth. - and pay attention to all the footnotes which links to other studies.

It's not faith. It's common sense. I trust software engineers to have the best information about software design, architects to have the best information about designing buildings, lawyers to have the best information about law, and doctors to have the best information on health. No, none of them are perfect but anecdotal evidence sure doesn't trump the best scientific evidence available.

I agree that everything always needs to be scrutinized. What I disagree with is the rather unscientific assertion that not getting vaccines is safer than getting them. I have not see the science that demonstrates that.

You have talked about statistics, and science.
You are a moron on 2 different levels, as other have much more kindly pointed.
First you are presented with infomration that shows corruption on a unprecendented scale (both vaccine and cholesterol and statins fraud) which you obviously didn't know about. Second you keep asserting that science this science that.

Offer me proof of ONE SINGULAR VACCINE BEING EFFICACIOUS and I promise to donate all my steem to you and leave steemit for good, meaning you have a chance to stop assholes like me from badgering anybody like you for evidence of your shit.

Is the reward for proving me wrong not worth it? Yes/No?
If you cannot provide any evidence of vaccine efficacy, ANY vaccine, then you sir are an asshole who made numerous assertions based on public opinion and disregarded everything contrary while you claim you haven't found any evidence to the contrary (which is AUDACIOUS if you are implying that you have researched for evidence to the contrary), or the definition of an moron asshole, and if you are right, and like you claim there is science which shows vaccines efficacy compared to unvaccinated then please provide that and call me out for being a liar and discredit myself or shut the fuck up, RESEARCH and stop talking about stuff as if you had given it the time and consideration. Your arguments about doctors and trust are equally fail. Try your turst argument again when you read this I remember Car and Driver had an article in the early 2000's or maybe even late 1999 where they did a test on 120,000 dealerships and mechanics across america with a IMMACULATE pristine 1989 Buick (forgot the model) who's spark plug wire was pulled off and sparking on the block for everyone to see and from what I remember about the statistics only 15% of mechanics diagnosed the loose spark plug wire as the cause. O yeah, did I mention that you are a moron and I am laughing at the daunting task you might undertake: proving that vaccines are better than no vaccines. O wait, I misread one of those professions, which are so TRUSTED, thought it said mechanics in there, switched it up.

So stop begging people for evidence and giving us your conjecture that "life expectancy is because of vaccines". Prove what you proput: that vaccines are efficacious, and prove that and I will leave steemit for good.

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