JONIE'S VAXXED STORY: "Measles is better than Encephalopathy" (Brain Infection/Swelling). "Why wasn't I warned?"

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

Jonie Wallace shares with the VaxXed Team about her son's injury in August, 2015 to the M.M.R vaccine.

Her son had all of the vaccines on the schedule prior to one-year-of age.  For his one-year vaccines, she decided to start spacing them out and only chose to do a single vaccine that day, the M.M.R. (Measles/Mumps/Rubella). 

  • Within 30 minutes, the left side of face his face dropped, like a stroke patient
  • He started swelling immediately, his eyelids swelled shut and got really red and irritated
  • He started the high-pitch screams
  • He banged his head against the walls and floors
  • His shoulder/arm hung to the side and his head started going to the left side

The Pediatrician said that he WAS SUFFERING AN ADVERSE REACTION to the M.M.R. and should not have any more vaccines.

Click  ↣ HERE to Watch Jonie Wallace Share How  Her Baby Got Encephalopathy.

The doctor diagnosed him with Encephalopathy.

After all this happened, she looked back at the medical records.  

"He was always a sick child:  runny nose,    G.I. issues like a stomach virus,    ear infections,   sinusitis."
"It seemed like every time he would start to get better I would take him in for more vaccines and the cycle would start again."

She complains that she had NO INFORMED CONSENT!

She had no idea that this type of thing could happen.

She strongly feels that people need to be informed. 

"They tell you that it is so rare ... but it happened to me!  And that's why I want to tell my story."
"I would have taken the measles over what this did to him."
"I don't understand why we aren't told all of this when we go in to get these shots??!!"

 ***Click  ↣ HERE to Watch Jonie Wallace Share How  Her Baby Got Encephalopathy. 

My thoughts @canadian-coconut.

I absolutely agree that measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox are better than the huge list of adverse reactions that can all too often come with those vaccines.  

When I was a child, my 3 siblings and I, and most all the other children that I knew got those typical childhood illnesses.  Same for my husband and his 2 siblings.  We were not scared.  My parents were not scared.  The kids were happy to have a week or more off of school.  We didn't need a doctor.  It was just a childhood rite of passage and we knew that we would get our turn.

I never heard of someone dying from those normally mild childhood illnesses.  It was a rash and a fever!  And the mumps was swelling on the jaw/neck.  Not pleasant but not too much worse than the flu.

It seems to me that the fear of these normal childhood illnesses came after the vaccines were introduced.  The fear of measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox is a Marketing Tactic.

For example, Chickenpox Vaccine is only given in 3 countries.  Those countries hype it up as being scary.  But when you look at the Health Department websites for England or other countries where the Chickenpox vaccine is not on the schedule, it talks about how mild the illnesss is.  

So ... in countries that provide the vaccine -- chickenpox is scary -- in countries that don't provide the vaccine -- chickenpox is mild and of little concern.  Hmmm... good marketing, eh?

For More Vaccine Injury Stories ... Visit My Blog @canadian-coconut

Let's have a discussion -- PLEASE COMMENT BELOW


It's very disheartening that seemingly intelligent people refuse to check into the criminal vaccine enterprise. The same people that complain about the high taxes and other ineffectual government operations will think nothing of trusting the health of their children to these same knuckleheads. I don't get it.

It's like vaccines are God's gift to humanity, and if we have any concerns or questions, no matter how small, then we have committed blasphemy. Faith in the all-powerful, can-do-no-harm vaccine, is indeed a form of religion. In reality, God's gift to us is an amazingly complex and perfectly designed immune system, and we should be supporting that immune system. Vaccines, even when they work effectively at keeping a specific disease away, always weaken the immune system. I would rather have a strong immune system to fight off any illness that comes my way.

What boggles my mind in all of this is how can the scientific community still hold on to the illogical statement that though vaccines can cause death through encephalopathy as admitted and recognized by their medical cartel yet the same brain damage/encephalopathy, cannot cause less than death like permanent brain damage i.e. autism. I have so much to say about this subject. Thanks guys for sharing these information.

2 minutes clip from CNN. The head of the CDC admitting vaccines cause autism like symptoms. Julie Gerberding left CDC to be head of Vaccines for Merks 1 year after this interview.

Vaccines are a form of biological warfare and people are waking up quickly to its effects on young impressionable children who are extremely sensitive to foreign agents entering the body via vaccines. How can you give a young baby who's immune system has not fully developed multiple vaccines? It's child abuse! Dishonest tests from the CDC regarding the safety of vaccines continue to confuse a large demographic of Americans, while exploiting mothers fear of their child's potential illness. It's a racket. It's a game. The children who are returning in this age of so called aquarius are old souls. They are "star children" getting ready to clean up this mess created by the parasitic elite. The game is too suppress the babies, before they can fully express themselves in the future.

I have said this so many times to people yet it never seems to sink in! There is very little common sense in our society today and everyone is told to blindly trust in the establishment. As a parent with a child on the spectrum I fight everyday because I know his issues can be mitigated but not if I stick to the societal "rules", I have to think outside the box and do all the leg work. Thank goodness I refused vaccines.

What you just said is mind-boggling yet so true.

There is very little common sense in our society today

My son is "gifted". I have read opinions that gifted children are more vulnerable to vaccine damage. My intuition and from what I've observed has told me that would have been true for my son; that he would be susceptible for autism if he had been vaccinated. You hear of autistic "Savants" who are genius at something. So then the thought occurred to me a couple of weeks ago that it is almost as if "the-powers-that-be" have targeted the best and the brightest amongst us to be damaged or die via vaccination.
I am not going to rant on about that, as I am more analytical and logical, and prefer to talk about the multitudes of science that backs up vaccine dangers and how the immune system is designed to work. But we all have our intuitive side as well.
Although I don't know anything about these "star children" you talk about, your post brought this to my mind, so I thought that I would share it.

Great post. Thank you for sharing. These issues need to get out and mothers need to go back to trusting their gut and not letting the system dictate what their babies need.

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