Happy To Be Vaccine Free: How Not Vaccinating was the Best Decision for our Family

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

My daughters and my son have NEVER had a vaccine in their lives.

And I feel so blessed that I discovered this way of life just before my eldest son was born 12 years ago.

They are beautiful and healthy. We have hardly ever had to visit a doctor. They have no chronic health conditions.

  • No Asthma
  • No Food Allergies
  • No Gastro-Intestinal Disorders
  • No Auto-immune Conditions
  • No Epilespsy, No Seizures
  • No Neurological Disorders
  • Only one Ear Infection ever in one child
  • No Projectile Vomiting and no High-Pitched Screaming when infants

What about "Vaccine-Preventable Diseases?"

The eldest had chickenpox as a toddler. He sailed through it just fine.

The children were exposed to chickenpox several times from playing with a friend a couple of years ago.

The youngest, 3 at the time, NEVER had any symptoms at all. Her older sister, 6 at the time, got a fever exactly on schedule after the expected incubation time, and got 2 spots that I couldn't tell if they were actually the pox or not, and she got better. So now all 3 of my children have life-long immunity to chickenpox. No vaccine boosters needed continually for the rest of their life.

By the way, their chickenpox gave my husband and I our Shingles "booster." The way that adults have normally been protected from shingles, is by the occasional exposure while their children, grandchildren or other children while they have chickenpox.

What about the dreaded whooping cough / pertussis?

A few years back my son's best friend was diagnosed with whooping cough. My children had played with him multiple times. He had been vaccinated for the whooping cough as an infant, until he had a horrible reaction to his vaccines that caused his mother to stop vaccinating him further.

My three children only ever got a mild cough as a result. I would have never suspected whooping cough at all if I didn't know that their friend had had it. Of course I kept them home during the cough to minimize exposing others. They kept right on playing and being kids with no down time. Interestingly, the two younger unvaccinated siblings of the boy diagnosed with Whooping Cough never got sick with it either.

Would I be worried if they contracted Measles, Mumps, or Rubella? No way! I don't fall for those fear tactics. Fear is an excellent marketing tool for vaccines. I am old enough to remember having all of those things as a child. So did my 3 siblings. So did my husband. So did his 2 siblings. It seemed to me like every child had them. I don't remember anybody panicking. I never knew of anyone that had to be hospitalized for measles, mumps or rubella, or even had to visit a doctor.

Watch this Youtube Below if you want to see how people USED TO THINK about MEASLES.

              Measles, Back In The Days Before The Marketing Of The Vaccine

Having these normal childhood illnesses actually BUILDS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. I am allowing my children to be healthier by letting them fight off these exposures.

         Measles is GOOD for YOU?


Even if you really, really, really hate the idea of your children getting chickenpox, whooping cough, or measles, you can't ignore the fact that the vaccines all have serious risks. The number of stories that I've heard of vaccine injuries is HUGE.

I have heard many, many parents say that they REGRET having vaccinated their children. I have yet to hear from anybody who regrets NOT having vaccinated.

I have studied this whole issue deeply, and I can honestly say that the risk of vaccines are much greater than the risk of the illnesses that they are trying to prevent.

Please visit my blog @canadian-coconut for more Vaccine-Free Stories and Vaccine-Injury Stories

Please comment below. Let's start a conversation.


Essentially vaccines are the virus you are treated for. Everyone has their beliefs but I have known people that lived long lives without it.

Vaccines have much more in them than just the virus. They have things like aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG.
The other concern with giving vaccines is that more than one virus is given at the same time. In nature, it is extremely rare for a child to be exposed to measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox ALL ON THE SAME DAY. It is known that a child could have problems getting them all at once. However, vaccine pushers think nothing of putting all four of these in the same vial, along with some other injections on the same day. It is too much for the body to handle.
One thing that Dr. Andrew Wakefield mentioned in his now famous Lancet paper, is that until further investigation into the M.M.R. vaccine is completed they should go back to the individual Measles, the individual Mumps, and the individual Rubella vaccines that used to be given to children individually separated by a few months. There were less reported adverse reactions given individually and spaced out in time. But after people started switching back to the individual vaccines, the Pharmaceutical company took away that option and made only the triple jab available! So parents that wanted to vaccinate more carefully were no longer able to. They had to choose no vaccines or all in one jab. If getting vaccinated for these 3 illnesses was really so important to protecting children, they would not have taken that option away from parents.
Doctors treat vaccines like candy and pass them out, many at a time and way too young. But they are a drug. Drugs always have potential adverse reactions.
Yes, you are right, many people have lived long lives without any vaccines. My concern is that the number of people living long, vibrant lives is being greatly diminished by massive vaccination programs. It is very sad. People are so afraid of these once common and usually mild illnesses, that they are giving up their quality of life in exchange. People are now coming down with auto-immune conditions and cancers, caused largely by the vaccines.

Agree with you !

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