Vaccine science is settled?

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Everybody that's ever been in America knows you're supposed to get vaccinated. It's because it's safe, it's effective prevention of illness, they have no side effects, and if you don't do it you're endangering your entire community. Look how effective vaccines have been-

You see this chart and there's only one conclusion you can come up with. Vaccines save lives. Period end of discussion. This chart showed it.

Oddly though some fringe families claiming to have been harmed by vaccines such that their children die, go into shock, lose cognative function, lose motor function, experience learning disabilities, develop cancer, develop other horrible diseases are unwilling to go along for the ride. They provide a different kind of graph. One that looks like these-

Which, looks kinda funny to those folks that have studied all the government and pharmacuetical literature. Because to someone with a high school science education can look at that graph and say something like "Hey, the great reduction in death due to illness seems to have happened before the vaccine was introduced, but it's my understanding that it was the vaccine that caused the decline...." Some might liken the effect on the chart to a person that opens a small business a few years after America enters the Second World War, destroys foreign production centers, dominates markets, and then the small buisness claims "The massive economic growth experienced by the country is because I started my small business."

Well, this chart is probably just a fluke right?

If you think that then you're likely to be somewhat disturbed by this graph-

For some reason the medical textbooks don't show this. The medical books usually dont' talk about how the pharma companies are given an exception to being responsible for any harm they cause. They also don't talk about the "secret vaccine court" where billions in damages are paid out to those that have been harmed by vaccines.

For some out there, scary conspiracy minded folks that don't trust the government CDC that owns vaccines patents much like a corporation might, or trust the pharma companies that rake in billions of dollars from mandatory vaccine doses where the public is held liable for the harm there is still some doubt in select circles that vaccines are healthy.

Before jabbing your six month old with an ear ache with 12 vials considered exceptionally toxic if they were to spill on the floor you may want to consult your local internet portal for additional information, actual safety packets, and user testimonials of the various effects.

Or not... the government and pharma execs got this covered and have your back. Right?


Those charts are very, very important in starting to understand the whole picture of vaccines.

And like you pointed out, there isn't even a good correlation because the illnesses had already done the majority of their decline before the vaccine came out or people.
Yet when a child seizures or stops breathing only MINUTES after a vaccine injection, they tell us that correlation doesn't equal causation.

What a double standard!

There is nothing for me to add. Thank you. Excellent post.

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